So as the title says I'm toying with the idea of re-de calling my JM as like many the cab has faded to a nice off yellow colour, but I'm still on the fence about it. I just wanted to get other people's opinion whether it is worth it or not. From what I can tell seeing other people who have done it here and on pinside it is a lot of work for very little return unless you absolutely have to have your game in perfect nick.
I would like to do it to get the experience, but the expense, fact I might not have the necessary know how to get the game back together again (I have taken my BSD top playfield to bits which is the most I have ever done to re rubber, clean it, fit cliffys etc) and the amount of effort is what is putting me off.
So people who have done it (or people who have never done it!) what's your opinion?
I would like to do it to get the experience, but the expense, fact I might not have the necessary know how to get the game back together again (I have taken my BSD top playfield to bits which is the most I have ever done to re rubber, clean it, fit cliffys etc) and the amount of effort is what is putting me off.
So people who have done it (or people who have never done it!) what's your opinion?