That’s a big part of my problem. There is nothing left in mainstream culture for me that really floats my boat. I’m not holding out for anything so I’m looking for innovation.
I don’t do blockbuster films or large bands. There is never ever going to be a niche band theme. Alice Cooper finished my run of bands that I realistically hoped for.
GOT really should have had a big screen.
Can you imagine how good that would have looked? Instead it has a crappy DMD If it came out as a vault edition then I’d probably get suckered and go all in for a LCD reissue.
TWD was done well so those two were ticked off my the list.
I’m just feeling jaded. Where is the innovation? Look at how different TAF was when it came out. And T2. And later TZ and MM.
The first time I played
AFM it blew me away despite it now looking a bit pedestrian.
I think I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist. I’m looking to capture the same excitement I felt walking up to a TAF in the early 90s for the first time and I don’t think that is ever going to happen again.
I’m really happy that so many people are pumped for Pulp Fiction but for me it’s a bit “emperors new clothes”. I think this says far more about my state of mind than the game though if I’m honest.
Rules as always will be where it’s at. I suspect if we fast forward 5 years I’ll be desperately searching for one of these games.