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Pulp Fiction flipper issue?!


Site Supporter
Dec 22, 2019
Playing this evening and I noticed when the flipper is held down and you give it the quickest of flicks, it doesn't react. So I slowed the press down. And down and down. It’s super slow and doesnt seem to respond until there is quite a pause between taps. So no real quick flip of the ball on the tip of flipper possible.

Anyone with a PF seen the same or has anyone read about it? Left seems worse than the right by a small margin. It’s running 1.0.2 owned from NIB

Many thanks in advance

Little bit more info (and I’ll send to support obvs) but checking my logic

This video shows the flippers being pressed in switch test mode. They fire pretty quick, number change is switch 68 (little press) and switch 70 same flipper all the way. The PCBs also have green lights showing presses. Next video after this.

View attachment IMG_2232.mov

This video is rubbish but shows the LEDs on the pcb when the opto switch fires for full and partial press. This is in game. And it seems far less responsive when the game is playing, than is switch test. You can just about hear the flipper activating over the din of the music (sorry about that) but as the switch LED drops off, I wonder what’s meant to happen to the flipper.

View attachment IMG_2234.mov
Why does the left flipper button have a screw in the end of it but the right doesn't? That'll definitely affect when they activate.
Yes. I’ve added a screw to the right. It’s a “funny” mechanism, with the screw in place, it’s always on. I guess that why they left it off on the right button. I’ve managed to balance that up now. So they are both off and activate quickly on press with screws. The issue is, once they are up, a quick release and repress doesn’t “flick” it.

View attachment IMG_2239.mov
Guess you will need to find a way to adjust the gap between the opto and the plastic activator to change when it gets triggered to your liking, i.e. possibly by spacing the circuit board with the opto on further out from the cabinet, or spacing the button out so it doesnt push it as far past the activation point.
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