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Preston Pinball Winter League at Level, Round 1

Good afternoon everyone

I'm pleased to announce that I have dates ready for a 4 round league to be run at Level, Preston in the coming months.

Dates are as follows:

Wednesday 20th November, evening, 7-9.30pm
Monday 30th December, afternoon 12-6pm
Wednesday 12th February, evening, 7-9.30pm
Wednesday 19th March, evening, 7-9.30pm

Round 1 will be a Flip Frenzy event, the same as we ran at the pilot event earlier this year
Round 2 will be a traditional league format (play each game once with a recorded score to hand in)
Rounds 3 and 4 are yet to be decided for the formats, will announce this nearer the time

There will be a player cap of 24 for the Wednesday evening events due to the space in the venue. Round 2 is more fluid as people can turn up and play their games when they like during the 12-6pm window.

Each round will be £20 and will include the same food & drink choices / voucher as the pilot event. Round 2 will be a little different as it'll be run on a coin drop as the machines will still be available to the public to play whilst the league format is running so it'll be £10 to enter with food / drink and £10 in £1 coins on the machines.

Your best 3 results of the 4 rounds will count to the overall league positions, the same way as the regional leagues do with 4 of 6.

If you want to take part in the first round can you please let me know asap. Food options will be sent out nearer the time, the usual pizza and hotdog choices.

Any questions please fire them over.

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