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Playfield Swap Help


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Southampton, UK
Hi everyone

Quick question - I am looking for someone that would take on a playfield swap for me? I don't really have the confidence to do it myself, so wondered if anyone here would be up for it and the likely charge.

It's only the underside that needs doing, everything else will be stripped. on the top side.

Thanks in advance...

I've been very brave or very stupid - we'll see which when I come to put mine back together.

Once thing I did was to get a big piece of ply so when I got everything disconnected from the bottom of the playfield I could just slide the whole load of the wiring loom over to the new bit of ply before fixing it back in place. This way i've maintained the layout of the wiring.

I desoldered all the coils and other mechanisms before doing this but I took a shedload of photos as reference so i'm hopefully it'll all go back together without a hitch. Fingers crossed eh? ;-)
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