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Pinsound on Creech

Kenny Taylor

Jul 27, 2015
North East of Scotland
I'm not one for changing machines too much. But installing Pinsound on Creech is a must. It's a nostalgia pin anyway. But wools mix really works. God knows how many tracks he uses.

Does anyone else have it installed ?
Lol.. How long did this mix take you. Must have been a huge effort ? How did you manage to create different car sounds and use so many tracks. I love the end credits music too.
I've got it, but float my pinsound around other games. I like Mr Wools mix, though the Benny Hill music is my least favourite tbh.
Yeah it took a while but I had some help from Pinsiders, namely a 50s music fanatic. Also a guy who worked for an acting company, he provided the new voice work. I can imagine it's not everyone's cup of tea but that's the beauty of Pinsound, you don't like it change it - or if you prefer the rom sounds then save yourself some money :)

Also did an LOTR movie mix that was faithful to the score music used in the movie scenes. I love those movies and Tolkien's lore so that one was a pleasure. I was one of the people pestering the Pinsound guys for Whitestar support from when they first mentioned it at the Heighway factory pinball party. They are an amazing team to have pulled that off.

Other games Pinsound kicks **** on is STTNG, also I have a T2 with a T1 soundtrack which is cool... just shopping a Doctor Who and then will start on that.
I had the pinsound board on STTNG. That mix is awesome too. However on my pin I found it to have sync issues which were annoying.

Think Creech makes better use of it. However I will be looking to purchase another..
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