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Pins v Bricks

Should I sell my pins to build a games room

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10 Years
Feb 10, 2012
ok most know ai have the base of a pin shack.
Do I sell all my pins to build the rest of the building and house other people's over spill until I can buy more or do I play my games and save save save.
Hmmm interesting :hmm: I'd go with sell your expensive ones and keep the ones that aren't really going to bring in a big wad of cash, then backfill with loaners. With that in mind, and having no idea of condition you'd be looking at:
  • AC/DC - £5K
  • AFM - £3.5K
  • POTC - £2.5K
  • TAF - £3K
Gives you a total of £14K to spend on the Moose shack :thumbs:

Keep Skylab, Gorgar, Blackwater 100 as they're not going to add that much into the pot. I'd also say keep Whoa Nellie just because of the hit you'd have to take on it with it being NIB. That leaves you with 4 of your own and then just provide a home for Daz's massive overspill :rofl:
The acdc is mint oops banned phrase and the premium so would like a bit more than 5k.
The taf is one of a kind linked to the chair so wouldn't want that to go lol.
I agree with the rest regarding what to keep sell. Where your vote tho Chris?
I'm currently 1 over capacity, so if that's still the situation when you're done I'd be up for loaning it out to such a spectacular space.

If you build it they will come...
Are those the only two options?
What about a loan or remortgage for the (presumably) 10K or so you need?
I've just sold all mine bar one to fund my conversion. Its going to be odd having a games room and no cabs to start off with, but I think having a nice dedicated space for the future is worth the short term pain of having no cabs. So go for it! :)
The sensible route is definitely to create the space and only then find the things to fill it. Don't do what I did.

We're taking out a small business loan to build our much smaller scale outbuilding - instead of paying some office landlord £300pcm for some space, we'd rather pay that in loan repayments on our own office space. The fact I'm also fitting 5 pins in there too is testament to my Mrs' remarkable ability to be both angry at me for buying games and yet also actively encouraging it. Women. So technically I'm not doing what I'm preaching you to do, but that's because I'm very stubborn.
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I would rather keep pins and save (or borrow money)

If you absolutely must sell pins, then only TAF and ACDC would be the quickest to replace
Great advice from the forum here

If you know that folk will loan you pins you enjoy playing, flog a few of your more valuable games and get your shack built.
You can get the pins again. Get the games room sorted. Build it... and they will come. ;)
Love the "Field of Dreams" quotes. Makes sense, but more importantly , listen to your heart.
Good luck in whatever you decide on. And don't forget the Northern posse will help out labour wise in whatever way we can.
Moose, pins are a hobby they come and go, the Moose Hoose Is an investment but building with cash is better than building with credit.

Your part of a large community that sounds like they are more than happy to off load some pins on you. Be kind to them all and start again (apart from your most loved)

That way your happy with the new hoose and Mrs Moose will be very happy that your not spending more money, just yet.
Gaz, I've got 20 here at moment and only room for 13. Daz and Luke are getting desperate....!! :eek:
Tis true. Good time to get a fixed, low interest rate loan at the moment and you'll have something to show for it (that will gain value).
^^^ this
Borrow £15K for around £259 pm for 5yrs the interest you pay is what around what you will pay for a game.
Moose, when I built mine I really did it on the cheap, I picked up £4K of bricks for £800 on ebay and most of the other materials the same way. The thing that costs the money is what you have already done as the concrete for the footings and oversite are almost a fixed rate cos you have to buy them from the builders merchents. Even the double doors into my place were £100 off eby. Just keep your eyes open and grab stuff when it turns up.

Having said that the big advantage I had was I did it al myself so there was no labour cost! Heres my build

pinflatiion is way higher than interest rates. Keep the games

Can you sell anything else if you need to raise the cash that way?

That is a valid argument. Pinball machines certainly do go up more than inflation, so if you sold pins that you intend to re-purchase in the future, you are gauranteed to pay more, so as the current best loan rates are 3.8% fixed, that is pretty much guaranteed to be less than pinflation over 5 years, you can expect anything from 5%-50% pinflation per year depending on title
I guess the hard thing is that you have to look at that not so pretty looking investment of a lot of money in your back garden if you don't go ahead with it. Tough decision, but if you can borrow pins in the mean time, I think I'd go ahead and finish it off.
re build Matts idea is way to go imo.Re selling pins only sell ones u could get again later eg acdc,afm,taf.As it aint gonna be easy finding another Blackwater for eg.For funding i'd prob go for mix of pin sell and credit card 0% transfer
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