No standard translite.
I’ve had 3 tafs, the lighting is substantially better on this one, with pinstadium, simple as that.
Where my pins were at work, it was well lit, had large windows, white painted walls, high white ceilings.
It’s certainly darker in my pin room as of today, because I wanted that vibe to the area, the machines all had pin-stadium where it was well lit, the darkness of the room didn’t play a part, I was happy with the difference it makes.
Like many things it’s subjective.
My Taf in the previous lighted room with pin stadium. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s better or worse, or that it’s not how you may consider it should look or not, it’s really a look I’m happy with and that’s the rub.
As it happened, during movement the power to the pin stadium strips on my taf got dislodged so aren’t working until I get in the cab, but I really can’t wait to have it back on.