Likewise on the speaker tutorial, I don't have a clue with what to wire where etc, although i DJ, all my kit has built in crossovers so i wouldn't have a clue.
Can't understand why you can't just put replacement speakers in if they are the correct ohm resistance, I don't play my pin too loud so the standard is ok for me but if it sounded clearer etc it would be a benefit. I am hard saving at the mo as i am getting a TZ soon and alot have said they benifit from a speaker upgrade, not in any rush until i have funded my purchase but after that will want to treat it with various bits and bobs!
Just a speaker story (don't want to bore) but as i DJ i was always looking for something special in speakers (also before i found pinball to relieve me of my cash) I started with and indeed have still got peavey Hy sis 2xt speakers. 4 ohm 350w normal 700w peak, great speakers, Black widow drivers, can pick up all day long for £250 to £300.
But being what i am, always listened to other peoples gear, i have heard it all, HK, Bose, Mackie etc.
To cut a long story short i heard a guy with a set of JBL SRX 715's £2500 a pair, 800w normal 1600w peak, that was it I had to have a pair.
Eventually got a pair but my amp was not up to it, had to spend another £800 on a crown amp, that was not enough to get the best of them i really needed one amp per speaker!
I had nealy £3500 of kit and i was not getting what i was getting from my £250 pair.
Threw in the towel, sold the lot and went back to my original set up. You need to be on steroids to lift them but great sound for pound.
There is a moral in there somewhere!