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Pinball speakers


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011

I am in no hurry, cheaper the better for me.

I also feel the urge for a pinball pro speaker kit coming on.

yeh no hurry here either - just sometime over the next 6 months or so really

No pinball pro for me - i tend to source just as high quality speakers here with a decent crossover unit

OK, i will find out when (approx) i am next over, as long as we buy them before i am due to return, i will fetch them back wirh me then post on, or i am intending to go to the Northern meet, i could fetch with me or pass to friends etc.

I would also love speakers but the price always looks high, and i DJ so i have an idea how much speakers should cost.

I always wonder if £ spent = sound difference.

Cheers Adie
Pin Pro speaker kits are spot on, a great piece of kit and on some machines make a great difference.

But like already said you can source like for like in this country and with a bit of wiring skills have a very simular product.

I could pick up from a Northern meet so no problem there, just need to get together to place the order and get the stuff delivered to the U.S. address.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220992377756 was what i have ready to go for my TAF - other than that decent quality speakers (a decent quality Alpine 6" sub and similar 2 way with built in crossover for the top speakers. I installed just the Sub in my RFM (not the crossover) along with decent quality alpine tops and it sounds great - and thats without any crossover or additional wiring - just 1 for 1 replacement. I looked at pinball pro however i couldnt justify the expense when i could do the same in less time to ship and for a fraction of the cost!
You just gotta have a good bass speaker in a Addams. I had the Pinball Pro in mine and when Multiball starts its like having a shaker motor in it.


Quite simply the best mod I ever installed into my Addams.
On the RFM it vibrates the glass with no bother at all... Have to keep the volume sensible....
this was what made me decided it was necessary in my TAF
Spot on, Theres not much can beat the glass shaking on the Addams when starting multiball
other than that decent quality speakers (a decent quality Alpine 6" sub and similar 2 way with built in crossover for the top speakers.

I'd be interested in your speaker recommendations Paul, maybe a how to tutorial for swapping out backbox and cab speakers with some nice pics in the Tech section?
It's something I've been interested in doing but would want to make sure I get the right kit.
Likewise on the speaker tutorial, I don't have a clue with what to wire where etc, although i DJ, all my kit has built in crossovers so i wouldn't have a clue.

Can't understand why you can't just put replacement speakers in if they are the correct ohm resistance, I don't play my pin too loud so the standard is ok for me but if it sounded clearer etc it would be a benefit. I am hard saving at the mo as i am getting a TZ soon and alot have said they benifit from a speaker upgrade, not in any rush until i have funded my purchase but after that will want to treat it with various bits and bobs!

Just a speaker story (don't want to bore) but as i DJ i was always looking for something special in speakers (also before i found pinball to relieve me of my cash) I started with and indeed have still got peavey Hy sis 2xt speakers. 4 ohm 350w normal 700w peak, great speakers, Black widow drivers, can pick up all day long for £250 to £300.

But being what i am, always listened to other peoples gear, i have heard it all, HK, Bose, Mackie etc.

To cut a long story short i heard a guy with a set of JBL SRX 715's £2500 a pair, 800w normal 1600w peak, that was it I had to have a pair.

Eventually got a pair but my amp was not up to it, had to spend another £800 on a crown amp, that was not enough to get the best of them i really needed one amp per speaker!

I had nealy £3500 of kit and i was not getting what i was getting from my £250 pair.

Threw in the towel, sold the lot and went back to my original set up. You need to be on steroids to lift them but great sound for pound.

There is a moral in there somewhere!

ronsplooter' date=' post: 1693653 said:
I'd be interested in your speaker recommendations Paul, maybe a how to tutorial for swapping out backbox and cab speakers with some nice pics in the Tech section?
It's something I've been interested in doing but would want to make sure I get the right kit.


Check this out - all you need to know (and more)..... http://www.dziedzic.us/wpc_speaker_replacement.html

However happy to start things with a tutorial about this... as soon as i can get to my machines...

Ya know, i might look at sourcing some kind of reasonably priced kit for these in the UK - The prohibitive part of the pinball pro speakers is the Shipping - not the cost of the speakers themselves. There was a bulk buy a long while ago by Mark, however upon further investigation afterwards the guys at Pinballpro advised that shipping costs had gone mad and that they would not be able to match. Maybe if there is a demand for these then maybe i could approach again and ask on costs.

Decent quality speakers, Lpads etc are all available reasonably here, looms and spacers are easily makable locally in bulk....

Adrian Hufton' date=' post: 1693657 said:
Likewise on the speaker tutorial, I don't have a clue with what to wire where etc, although i DJ, all my kit has built in crossovers so i wouldn't have a clue.

Can't understand why you can't just put replacement speakers in if they are the correct ohm resistance,



You can - as you well will be aware some speakers are better than others and this also depends on cavity sizes and resonance as well. A work colleague of mine used to design speaker enclosures, so i can ask him to advise also...

I just bought the full Flipper Fidelity speaker kit for my Tron pro. The total cost to my door including import duty and shipping was £147.19p. Took just over a week to get to me.

When i first installed the kit the sound was very low but this was due to the FF kit needing a higher game volume setting to get the best out of it. Its comes with a 'volume' control you hook up in the backbox, but its really just for adjusting the level of sound between the backbox speakers and the sub in the cab. Spent another 2 hours or so faffing about with rubber washers and strips to stop the rattling of cab components (speaker panel and playfield glass). Tron now has a hearbeat and benefits hugely from the extra deep bass tones.

The backbox speakers i'm not so sure about. Whilst their sound is clear and has a touch more bass than the originals they can highlight the misgivings in the sample rate of the audio coming to them from the machine. There are some noticable minor 'crackling' noises that are in the background audio of a certain tune in Tron (The tune that plays when you end a game) that i knew existed with the standard speakers. With the new FF kit, this audio noise is enhanced slightly and you can most certainly hear it more with the new kit.

Overall though its a huge improvement and i love the feel of the bass on my fingertips as i play. I would buy them again but perhaps only the sub next time. I guess it just depends on what game your going to use them on and wether or not you feel a full kit is needed.
Indeed this is another factor to bear in mind before you spend hard cash on expensive speakers, there is little point spending loads if the source of the sound is not so good, you will only enhance the imperfections too.
Adrian Hufton' date=' post: 1693636 said:
OK, i will find out when (approx) i am next over, as long as we buy them before i am due to return, i will fetch them back wirh me then post on, or i am intending to go to the Northern meet, i could fetch with me or pass to friends etc.

I would also love speakers but the price always looks high, and i DJ so i have an idea how much speakers should cost.

I always wonder if £ spent = sound difference.

Cheers Adie


Did you find out when your next trip over to the States was ?

Also will a tube of side art be doable ? Postage is a killer and then you just know you will get your pants pulled down with the good old VAT customs and excise crew.


Hear hear. Especially someone who would be willing to collate several items into one big parcel for postage to the uk.
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