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Pinball lull

Carl Spiby

10 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
Not really been feeling the want to play or work on pinballs recently, started pulling The Shadow apart but lost interest in that so its been sat for weeks now with the parts in my spare room. Hook has its backbox down and hasn't been played either. Lethal Weapon and Rollergames have had few games put on them and Johnny is just keeping warm in the house.

I've even stopped watching youtube and paying TPA.

It feels like between home life and work there's no time to do anything else, the machines are just taking up space.

Hopefully this Saturdays jaunt to Haslingden will pick me up a bit but slightly worried the spark has gone :(
I'm with u on that one mate. It'll come back though. I'm hoping collecting my minty fresh taxi next month will get my mojo back. Everyone goes through it at some point I think
Don't force it to come back, let it happen when it does. I have had something simlar over the last year as I am just so busy with work and the house. I know I am a very lucky man to have a room full of pins when I have the time to play them.
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I get the same every year with gaming in general. Once winter sets in a don't seem to play as much. Seems daft really as winter is the ideal time to play since its cold and dark meaning you don't go out as much
These long dark days play havoc with your mind. I'm finding myself kicking my own **** to get back into NERG planning....
Same here if I'm being honest Carl. Been playing PC games a lot more recently and lost the pinball buzz a little.

Have bought an entry to Pinburgh next year, but at the moment its mainly the jaunt around the USA that I'm looking forward to rather than the event itself.. hohum. Like others have said, don't feel pressured about it and just let things happen.
Reverse for me, usually this time of year is PC and console gaming, especially with the annual 2 week Christmas break coming soon. Since TZ and Spidey landed the PS4 has barely been used despite GTA 5 landing for it.
It's normal Carl, I often go a week without switching a machine on. As for video games, I'm desperately trying to keep playing, but every time I buy a big title it gets an hour or two of play then gathers dust. PS4 GTA 5 and this years COD being the latest casualties, I do want to get back to them but I'm always too busy or tired, just don't care as much as I did about 3 years ago ( which strangely is when I found pinball :confused: )
Don't force it to come back, let it happen when it does. I have had something simlar over the last year as I am just so busy with work and the house. I know I am a very lucky man to have a room full of pins when I have the time to play them.


Don't feel 'obliged' to do something for fun. It stops being fun real quick.
@Carl Spiby

Don't worry mate. It happens to most of us at some point. I got so bad recently that I sold my entire collection. I felt good about it for a few weeks but then started to feel the urge again! Just leave it for a while and see what happens. Or maybe sell a game or 2 and spend the money on something else. I tried that too! Bought a few vids. But all it did was hammer home how much I am a pinhead whether I like it or not. Nothing else compares. And absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that jazz.
It's perfectly normal to get bored of stuff. I can totally understand why some people just buy games to play & then sell on to make room for the next one... keeps the interest levels up and provides variety. I'm more of a fixer upper, player for fun and like to collect, but space & funds are finite so i can''t keep doing it. In fact i've just moved 3 games from home to work for a few months and suddenly there's new interest from others - they're getting played and enjoyed. Also, Spiderman is quite challenging & great fun too, so that's helping at home where we only have SM and an AFM in pieces still.

How much time do you dedicate to this hobby, amongst other stuff? You can reach saturation point in anything.
I play pins every week at the Arcade Club in Haslingden, and at least once a week at home. Sometimes the home games get neglected if I have too much work on, but all I need is @JMP to start beating me on games to get me back into playing them urgently :rofl:
Heh, I see your pinball deterioration kicking in Mr Wells....

I have lulls all the time. Spent weeks and weeks doing up the Gottliebs I sold now can't even get started on my Tron strip and Robowar rebuild. Playing, well that's in fits and starts too. Bit worried once I get them in the games outbuilding, I just wont go out there as often to play them.... Sold all my synths to fund pinballs, now I miss the synths. Can't win...
I've got a nice synthesizer for you John, let's see that games room built first eh.
Lull's come and go but you always end up back with the pinball
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Remember if you have a lull, the wife always has DIY planned for you[emoji46] I'm talking from recent experience ! Hang in there and get a playfield lifted to throw them off the scent [emoji4]

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Don't worry gaz my sorcerer bit the dust as well ,
That taxi looks the absolute muts now mate , your gonna soil yourself when you see it :)
Hahaha. Cheers Will. I'll wipe the soot off when I get it ;).
Hope sorcerer is nothing too serious. I've got my eye on that one for later :D
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