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Pinball art/Artists

Matt Vince

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Having gone through a bunch of pics of backglasses and playfields for my calendar, 2 things sprung to mind.

1. I can't take a decent (square) picture!!

2. I am a huge fan of Dave Christensen's work!!

After a little research it was clear that he (and Greg Feres) are responsible for the majority of pinball artwork that really catches the eye.

OK, i will admit that the super fine big titted women doesn't hurt!! but i was wondering if any of you guys had particular favourites or if the artwork alone is enough to make you buy a pin?

Old Chicago has a backglass to die for! but the game is pretty lame (IMO)

This backglass is pretty decent too!![attachment=318:Original_Backglass.jpg]
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