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Pinball Adventures Book (Volume 2)


Jan 11, 2018
Not sure many people would have bought this after the car crash that was the first volume - but hey, I did.... Purely out of intrigue. I'm about 20 pages in and so far very disappointed to the point where I probably will put it on my shelf and never open it again.

For those that aren't aware Todd Tuckey is no longer part of the book deal therefore all of his brilliant stories and knowledge is missing... all you're left with is pages of spelling mistakes and typos everywhere, an English lesson and a couple of paragraphs of information copied from the ipdb.

My favourite page is on Medieval madness.... Where you get 4 paragraphs on the history behind the word "medieval". This is the same for every game... A lesson on the history of the words in the name of the machine, and bare basic information such as who made it, how many were made and when.

The biggest insult however, is that the Volumes aren't even the same size.... Now that is unforgivable 😂15800536079965842648767245033349.jpg15800535733983631957440257137565.jpg

Save your money ladies and gents, there are some fantastic pinball books out there and sadly this is not one of them. Which is a shame as I was kinda looking forward to collecting them all but the content just isn't there to warrant £25+
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It is actually hilarious reading. Shakespeare is spinning in his grave right now:

"The Pinball Adventure’s Team, will mystify you with a unique magical edition focusing on a number of the most important pinball machines that take magic in many different directions. Meet with Magic superstars Penn & Teller, and finds out what their ties are in the pinball world and learn about the video game they created.

Each magical pinball story will amaze you on how simple it is to prolong the life of your own pinball machine.

The series takes a close up look at many pinball playfields, testing the reader’s knowledge of what the machine the playfield belongs too. Black and white never before seen pictures of the black and white top billing movie stars.

This book, of course, will include the must have suggested resources for both buyers and sellers and unique Pinball collectors.

If you like magic and pinball, this book is a must-have for anyone who’s ever wanted to pull a rabbit out of their hat."

He's pulling something out of something, but it's neither a rabbit or a hat.
I'll give you the spoilers on the Penn & Teller interview... There's a paragraph where they say they like pinball and have owned a few machines and also donated a few games to the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame.... The other 2 and a half pages ramble on about how they were developing a trucking simulator where there is absolutely nothing to do other than drive. Quote "the goal of the game is to make the boring, and realistic, 360 mile journey between Tucson AZ and Vegas at a max speed of 45mph". This is then followed by 2 pages of blab about this totally irrelevant game/project.

I don't have any of the pinball compendiums, might have to look into those, thanks guys!
300,000 views a year??? Guess we are lucky here then... :)

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I got this book too - but for free.

While waiting for the first one, they had a contest to name the pinball on the cover of the first one, I think. Anyway, I won a free copyof volume 2. However, volume 1 took an age to arrive - it still wasn't with me after about 2 months of posting. After a few emails back and forth, which got quite nasty - not surprising after the pinside thread, I put in a paypal claim, and got my money back. The book turned up about 3 weeks later. Given thequality of it though, i didn;t feel the slightest bit inclined to pay for it again. If the quality was good, I would have.

I never really thought about it again, until a month or so ago. I assume they just decided 'sod that guy' when it came to sending prizes, but i sent an email anyway asking about it, fully expecting to be told to feck off.
However, he'd clearly forgotten who I was by this time, and duly sent out the book.

I likewise won;t bother reading it though, I highly recommend not buying it.
The cover and size of the book is a lot nicer it's just a shame the content isn't there. You can tell he doesn't know anything about the games. It's a shame it ended as it did as I absolutely love Todd and a whole series of books filled with his stories would of been quite entertaining... I highly doubt I'll be getting anymore after this. I'm surprised they even made the 2nd volume
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The cover and size of the book is a lot nicer it's just a shame the content isn't there. You can tell he doesn't know anything about the games. It's a shame it ended as it did as I absolutely love Todd and a whole series of books filled with his stories would of been quite entertaining... I highly doubt I'll be getting anymore after this. I'm surprised they even made the 2nd volume

Indeed, Todd was the whole reason for me buying the first one.
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