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Wanted Pin2dmd

Steve Arnold

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 26, 2011
Looking for another second hand pin2dmd if anyone has one they no longer need or have upgraded to a colour plasma one. Drop me a pm if you can help before I order a new one.

For me personally , colour is always better. I put a pin2dmd in my Spiderman and I’d argue it’s definitely an improvement over the old original dmd. I think the pin2dmd is worth it.

Wow that pin looks amazing!! Is that a dmd panel sticker you have applied? Looks great and all the leds. I assume they are not standard leds on that?
Wow that pin looks amazing!! Is that a dmd panel sticker you have applied? Looks great and all the leds. I assume they are not standard leds on that?
I added the pin2dmd but cant take any credit for the rest of it. Chris B restored it and added the leds. Theres also a load of plastic protectors on it that I assume were Colywobbles ones and they really make it pop. The green ones under the green goblin area look great. Blue round the slingshots with the webs under it are nice too. Worth dropping Col a message and asking him if these were his ones and then ordering a set.

Oh and I've bought several pin2dmds from terranigma on here. Even after including shipping from Australia, it still worked out cheaper than getting one in the UK or Europe. They come loaded up with an sdcard and your chosen games software already installed. Price is £170-£180 depending on exchange rate at the time.


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