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Pin2DMD colour glitches


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Just noticed the colouring on my pin2DMD on WH2O is a bit glitchy compared to videos on YouTube. It often has random lines of colour through the score.

I've tried reseating the SD card but it's still the same. It's this an SD card issue or a DMD driver board issue?

I think this is an issue with the colorisation. I get this badly on Congo and some other games (to a lesser extent) with pin2dmd, colordmd doesn’t suffer with it.
Your ROM probably isn't the same as the one it was developed on.
I think this is an issue with the colorisation. I get this badly on Congo and some other games (to a lesser extent) with pin2dmd, colordmd doesn’t suffer with it.
Where did you get the Congo colourisation, I need to buy a copy from the colourisation artist?
It is a far from perfect system pin2dmd.

Certain firmware seems better with certain colourizations and you must have the same rom running than what it was colourized on.

Pin2dmd is made for vpin use really and they extended it for real pinball support and to be honest, I am pretty sure that they dont really care too much about real pinball users.

Whitewater in my opinion was the most disappointed colour file I ever purchased.

This is one of the colordmd vs pin2dmd arguments.

If you want a system that costs more than twice as much and works a lot better - buy a colordmd - all color files are free.
110% disagree with you @Pick Holder on pretty much every point.
I have it running in WH20 and 5 other machines and think for the price, it is fantastic.
But I do agree you need to watch the Rom versions expected and the firmware versions.
110% disagree with you @Pick Holder on pretty much every point.
I have it running in WH20 and 5 other machines and think for the price, it is fantastic.
But I do agree you need to watch the Rom versions expected and the firmware versions.
But it is a compromise - even you add 'for the price'....

I did discuss with the people who did Pin2dmd to make it real pinball compatable a long time ago and for many years - I shouted it from the rooftops.

When it was just over £100 it was a bargain. But now - along with everything else it is getting more and more costly.

If i have to advise a newby into pinball about a colour display now - I send them to colordmd as it works, easy to upgrade and doesnt need so much messing with it. Im the past I have had to go back to version 3.x to get a colourisation to work better.

For VPINS I have made, and real machines I have had - I have probably bought 30 of the things, amd that is a conservative number.

I ordered a bigger size one and I have to be honest - I did not like it. My friend as well also sent his back as the glitching was pretty bad on ToM, and on the double size screen there is no older firmware.

ColorDMDs are overpriced - they should be £100 cheaper.
I said, for the price, it is fantastic. If they were more expensive, then that fantastic would be lowered.
For ColorDMD’s current price, they are too expensive.

And I think we have a similar conversation, every time someone mentions Pin2DMD. Not everyone needs to spend more on a ColorDMD. Many of us have them and are very happy with them, I feel I need to balance your negative experience.
As with every homebrew vs commercial product comparison, both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you join the dots you will quickly realise that the extra you pay for ColorDMD is to cover the cost of the "free" library of projects - it isn't free at all, ColorDMD just offset the cost of those project files by increasing the price of their individual displays. The extra you pay is essentially for access to that library; yes, you can download any project for any game, but you can only ever install one display in any one game, so if you buy multiple displays, you pay the full price for access to that library for each display.

But the OP didn't ask for a comparison between the two products, he asked for help with his colour bleeding issue, so lets get back on topic:

Just noticed the colouring on my pin2DMD on WH2O is a bit glitchy compared to videos on YouTube. It often has random lines of colour through the score.

I've tried reseating the SD card but it's still the same. It's this an SD card issue or a DMD driver board issue?

This looks like the previous scene's last frame colour mask is bleeding into the main score; from there it will either remain on screen until some other trigger fires, or it might timeout if the timer on that colour mask frame expires and the display will revert to the projects default palette. I don't know the WW project, I know a few people have tried their hand at it over the years, but if this is Endprodukt's one then I'm surprised that the main score is not triggered. Assuming it is his project, I don't know how he triggered it; but if this was my project I would trigger off the "ball" text which can alter it's position based on number of credits or freeplay, and also the credit dot can affect those triggers. If you can, it might be worth switching to freeplay temporarily (ie. in case he never added triggers for "credits", which is a bit thoughtless but it's possible if he only ever played in freeplay), just to see if it resolves the main score bleeding you see.

Failing that, you could try seeing if you can get hold of Endprodukt and see if there is a later version of his project you can get; I think he dropped off the radar a bit, but I'm pretty sure he has a pinside account. You can also try contacting him through this form which should go to his email: https://pin-display.ch/artist-endprodukt/
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