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Photo Editor to Change Colour in a pic


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Swanage, Dorset

With IM on the way for once am not sure of the colour I want to use for powder coating legs, sides etc so wondered if anyone can recommend some free software please that I can use to change the colour of the legs in a picture of the machine from black to others so I can see what it would look like in different colours. Thinking blue, yellow or mustard yellow. Did originaly think ornage but saw on pinside and didn't quire look right to me. Don't want red as got too many and doesn't quite go with cabinet art IMO. If it was a premium not pro thaat I'm getting then yellow would be a no brainer.

I've tried with a few on line and either not been able to work out how to do the colour change or that it changes all the black colours, not just legs, sides etc (and sometime shades of others) rendering the exercise pointless as you can't see the rest of the machine now in its original colour.

Might be there's nothing out there but would expect there to be something somewhere that does the job and is relatively quick and easy to test different colours.

Cheers as ever for any help
I can't help with the software hunt, sorry, but in my opinion this game would look best in a deep red - however if you have too many red games then perhaps metallic 'union jack' blue would be next? there's quite a few blue-ish/indigo/purple shades on that playfield, but less so on the cabinet artwork.

Thanks Paul. Still toying blue shades of blue or yellow..

What other games do you have in colour, and which colours? (if you don't mind me asking)

LOTR: Antique gold.
Met Prem: Metallic(a) Purple
Iron Man VE: Standard red (not the deeper colour you often see, but it actually works well on the VE)
Tron: Orange (not my choice!) might change to an off-white/lightblue.
Spiderman: (not done yet) Metallic Blue.
Met, Xmen - purple
Corvette, Indy 500, Kiss, ACDC Prem - red
GOTG - light blue
GOT - gold
Star Trek - sparkle light blue (like LE)
DH - dark blue

Wh20 - light blue
SM - bright blue - changed to chrome
FT - green
TZ - blue
RS - mustard yellow
FG - orange
Dr Who, RBION, Baywatch - yellow
TWD - red
Big Hurt - damson

Sound like you've been keeping your local powder-coater in business!

a 5th game in red probably would be too much & you already have quite a few blue/purples.
Try Techsmith Snagit... not free but you can get a trial for a month

Problem is that changing the colour changes the whole picture... so select the leg, change the colour and paste it back over the image.... takes a couple of minutes for each leg....

Many thanks John and Ian. That green leg looks like just what I'm trying to do.

Will give them both a try.

Deep dark red like the LE. I think there is a blue one on pinside and it looked terrible.

Or make the tmold black and go for a smooth black finish.


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I'll have a look for the blue one to see unless you it's the same as the one in the link from monkeyboypaul which was on a premium and looked wrong. Leaning towards an off yellow.

Personally don't think red works and got too many red ones anyway. Never been a fan of black as doesn't look like it's been done.
Techsmith Snagit

After a bit of trial and error this one really is the easiest. Can quickly tap on the legs etc and change colour within seconds. Found gimp tricky in comparison.

Still undecided on colour but as before strongly vearing to mustard yellow.
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