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Overpricing pins makes people look like greedy twits and I hope the market crashes

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Bring on the crash
I’m sitting here patiently waiting for my £2500 Spider-Man and £1500 fish tales 🤣🤣
It is an interesting one, the country is menna be going into a recession and mixed with crazy energy prices / fuel and food and inflation / interest rates going up etc.. you would think people would have less money for expensive toys like pinball so would start to see more and more pop up for sale, But does not mean they will go up for cheap! if anything people will want the most they can get out of them, so might see a 'crash' but will be an expensive one? certainly wont be no bargain basement give away lol.

I have no idea what will happen.
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Yeah, all of you who bought your pins for £300 should do the decent thing. Can’t wait to get my hands on a £700 TAF. And I’m going to hold out for electricity at 7p per kWh. And diesel at 64p a litre.
The average pinball buyer is not heavily affected by the cost of living crisis and is LIKELY to be a covid winner. Unlike trampolines or excersice bikes etc that saw a lockdown boom , pinball has a very limited supply from new games downwards.
The cost of living crisis and covid hangover is stopping people going out and for us and anecdotally from other public arcades, footfall is well down.
People are craving to buy games but not go out and play them.
We were hoping to be at comic con London this weekend but was cancelled some time ago. So bringing pinball to the gaming unsuspecting masses will have to wait to Derby retro in August and EGX in September
I am eternally grateful to our regular customers both local and further afield who support us as we celebrate our 3rd birthday on Tuesday.

Just need to get those casual customers back in!
Folks, I've created a dedicated thread for people who want to discuss pricing (which appears to be many of us):

Don't worry, there will come a time when pinball is no longer "flavor of the month"
Ask a stamp collector about values
Woodrail pinball collectors
EM pinball collectors
People who own Sterns from 2000-2010
Don't worry, in a few months when we're all burning pins for warmth and fighting over the last loaf of bread in the shop, we will look back and say "those were the days"
Don't worry, in a few months when we're all burning pins for warmth and fighting over the last loaf of bread in the shop, we will look back and say "those were the days"
i dunno burning pins for fire wood sounds like a much simpler life. I sometimes wonder if life would be better in the wood off the grid without fancy cars and toys just living off the land! :D
i dunno burning pins for fire wood sounds like a much simpler life. I sometimes wonder if life would be better in the wood off the grid without fancy cars and toys just living off the land! :D
In the first lockdown I became acclimatised to not going out and after a few weeks started dreading the return to '9-5 normality'
Playing in the garden with the kids all day and cooking from scratch, just enjoying the simple things. I can definitely see the appeal.

Although I did refurb a pin too 🤪

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