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Staff member
Jul 21, 2011
Now I've had some random questions in my time on eBay however "please send pictures together with work/repairs/modifications done and length of ownership" really must take the biscuit. I mean seriously why the **** does any of the above matter, it's not a house or car for gods sake!
Amazing! If you are dishing out all that info, can you let me know how many times it has been turned on and off as well please? ;-)
Thats the problem with our hobby, there are some right feckin nutters.
Also may I point out every hobby has its ar*e holes and ours is no exception.:eyebrows:
Fancy starting up a MOT for your machine ?
I don't. Looks like some people expect you have something similar.
I know whats been done to all my machines because you can see how they look and they play flawlessly and that good enough for me, and hopefully anyone else.
Now I've had some random questions in my time on eBay however "please send pictures together with work/repairs/modifications done and length of ownership" really must take the biscuit. I mean seriously why the **** does any of the above matter, it's not a house or car for gods sake!

I trust you gave them the appropriate Alan Partridge response......

Actually, having thought about this ......yes the wording/phrasing is a little odd and can maybe be sniggered at BUT basically the guy is asking

* any bodges/hacks done
* has it been repaired/serviced at any point ie does the thing work reliably
* how long have you had it

And lets face it they are all questions we have probably asked sellers ourselves - and rightly so if you are handing over a considerable amount of money. How many times do we hand out the advice to new buyers ....do your homework, get pictures, ask questions, see the machine working. Especially if you dont know the seller at all.

So in fact looking at it that way 'the above' does indeed 'the **** matter' ;)

The guy could also be a first time pin buyer and so doesn't really know the ropes yet. And don't forget that the first pin buy is usually a BIG deal for someone. The confidence and 'pinball sixth sense' about buying machines only comes after years of experience - as with everything in life ......man :hippie:
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