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Nucore hacked


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
It seems that nucore has been hacked by a nefarious individual. Those of you who have buggered pin2k machines and cant get hold of a nucore system (now discontinued, but plans are afoot to re-release it) can get your machine up and running via a pc. Its available on all torrent sites as: Nucore 2 11 Cracked WITH ROM FILES

Of course, i dont condone the ripping of peoples work and would suggest anyone that uses this software does so with the intention of buying a nucore system once available again. I know a few folk with utterly useless, dead crt'd pin2k machines so i thought i would post this.
Good to have as a backup option in case mine dies and no Nucore available :)
IO was following the discussion over on Pinside yesterday with interest. Apparently the Nucore guys were Livid, having "allegedly" been working on licencing for a new version, however there's lots of things that dont add up...


Most pertinent comment/response i thought was this one :

chessiv said:
There was a long thread where I updated that status a number of times a few months before the whole pinbox issue. Last update stated we were in the final steps. Even when we stopped producing it for a period of time I said it was only temporary.

can you link that? If there is a post where you actually share an straight-forward status, I missed it... and it might go a long way to answer some of the issues in this thread.

all I saw was very cryptic messaging like this:

chessiv said:
If we shared the complete story of why Nucore isn't available now it would just create more drama.....it will come back, probably not soon but not gone forever.

And some other conflicting info like this:

Ballypinball said:
Nucore took the option to cancel the original agreement with all the parties, I am sure if they wanted to continue and pay the license fee per unit, the rights owners would be more than happy to continue.
They gave 30 days notice which they could have given the public.
The 3 originals developers no longer work together and with 5 or more seperate people putting their hands in the cookie Jar

Then something about an update "very soon" - and that was 2 months ago...

And, frankly, unless you are in the JJP shipping department, "very soon" is not 2+ months...​
The Nucore lot basically stated on Pinside that they were stopping future production to concentrate on chasing the perp responsible for the initial hacking of their code. What followed that was a bunch of (quite rightly) outraged, genuine customers that wanted to buy their product (despite knowing they could have it for free) asking why the delay in bringing out nucore now the 'genie was out the bottle'. They were met with these replies:

"I will say it was not our intention to stop selling Nucore but given the current circumstances it was the only wise thing to do" -Chessiv

"Unfortunately, whether anyone likes it or not, this did throw a monkey wrench in that effort which can't be avoided. We HAVE to resolve this situation before proceeding. We hope to take care of this quickly." -Chessiv

So, in short, they would rather chase down the hacker to try and sue him into the middle of the next century rather than sell nucore at a profit to well informed people wishing to support their creation legally.
May be they couldn't resolve the licensing and released the code 'Sam Flynn' style to the community ;)
May be they couldn't resolve the licensing and released the code 'Sam Flynn' style to the community ;)

lmao. I was just going on about this on pinside. Cloak 'n dagger in pinball? who'd have thought....
Gonna grab a copy just incase anyone needs it in the future, it's not exactly well seeded.
I was able to get a copy ;) but haven't looked at it yet..... no need as at the moment my RFM is okay. Downloaded it as a backup just in case. I was just wondering if it worked :)
Wont work unless you have a parallel port, since thats how it interfaces with Pin2k.... And Parallel ports on Netbooks are rare... ;)
Also it meets none of the system requirements :p

Hardware Requirements
• 2GHz processor or greater (at least 2 cores required)
• At least 2GB of RAM
• 8GB hard drive space
Wont work unless you have a parallel port, since thats how it interfaces with Pin2k.... And Parallel ports on Netbooks are rare... ;)

You can get adapters for usb that mimic a parallel port and use a USBtoUART driver. I have one for reprogramming Motec ECU's which some older models use the parallel port for access.
Not really up on torrents and the like, where do I grab this from?
I've got plenty of spare pc hardware so should have the bits to do this with, my RFM is fine at the moment but to make it kind of future proof this looks a good bet.
You can get adapters for usb that mimic a parallel port and use a USBtoUART driver. I have one for reprogramming Motec ECU's which some older models use the parallel port for access.

Yes, however some are real pigs to her working, along the same lines as Serial USB adaptors. Trust be i've been there...... (if you need a serial one get the ones with the built in UART - Cost around £10, however they seem to work with most things - the others dont!)
Would anyone be prepared to send me this via 'wetransfer.com' - would really help me out with an issue!

*EDIT* Now sorted - thank you very much
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Is there a kind soul who could send me a copy of Nucore ? My RFM works but I'd rather be ready for when it doesn't

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Greetings all Pinballinfoians,

As the owner of a Star Wars: Episode 1 I also find myself in the same camp as the OP and others in this thread. Hopefully, the Nucore folks can/will get it back on the market for folks to purchase.

While I only own one pinball machine to date (I have had my SW:E1 for a number of years), I have my eye on a few others for the future, including Medieval Madness, RFM (another P2K), Whitewater, and Adams Family (maybe I'll win the lottery or such!). :)

Despite my lack of pinball machines, I do own a nice collection of video arcade games and have been collecting for 20 years.

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I've never understood the scarcity surrounding P2K pins. The system really isn't that delicate and I myself have brought back to life a number of games which people thought the computer was completely dead, or the monitor was dead etc. Replacement parts are available.

There's even people right here in the UK like myPinballs who supply new parts, servicing, and upgrades for P2K games.

The nucore system, while nice, is unnecessary and devalues your game.
Isn't the issue with P2K the Prism card rather than the PC? I had mine for four weeks and the sound totally died. Took me over six months to source another card. At one time I was even toying with buying a SWEP1 just so I could swap the cards over but it seemed a little excessive.

Can the Prism card be fixed Pete? If you can do that I imagine there's a few people who might be knocking on your door everyone I asked at the time pretty much said I was screwed.

Does Nucore reduce the value of the game? Personally it wouldn't bother me (might even be a plus), there again I don't care if a game has replacement boards etc just as long they all work.

It's great if the computers can be fixed :) Did anyone ever bother reproducing the reflective glass? I lived in fear of smashing it when I had my RFM.
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