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NIB Stern pinball


Dec 30, 2018
Hello! I will buy a stern nib pinball, and I am between jurassic park pro and Godzilla pro. which is better, and will keep me longer? and to say that I will only have one machine! I read that the Godzilla pro version is not good and it is worth buying only the premium. But unfortunately the money is not enough for premium model.
I can not play these games before buying because they do not exist in my small country corfu in Greece
other opinion ?
few people have played Godzilla and the code isn't finished but if it was my choice I'd go Godzilla, I've played both.
Might be worth waiting just a little bit longer. There's bound to be reviews/streams of Godzilla appearing over the next period.

I always worry with new games that they might have been made too difficult. That's fine if you're a tournament standard player, but not all of us are. It's hopeless if there's some critical shot on the game that you can only achieve by luck.
Without playing Godzilla I would say AIQ is a lot less gimped.
I currently have the Premium here for a few months and in all honesty if I bought one I’d go for the Pro over the Premium any day.
The Subway is a ball ache waste of space and the captain marvel ramp rejects more than it makes and although looks good is very “hitty missy” some may say it’s very satisfying when you make it cleanly I just think it’s bad design and not needed at all. Oh and all those misses giving you SDTM returns just add further insult and frustration.
AIQ pro is a tried and tested awesome game and The one of the best GOAT games out there and also seems to hold its price well given what used ones have been commanding here.

Godzilla seems to be fairing up as Elwin’s best ever by the sounds of it but dam that pro has took a big hit on toys and features unlike AIQ!
So in a nutshell go with what theme you prefer of the two but if you did go GZ pro and it turns out as I’m hoping it too. You may regret missing on the stunning premium features.
Oh - don't necessarily worry about the "Pro isn't worth buying" comments. It's true that the Premium toys are stunning but that doesn't mean the Pro is a waste of time.

Example: pretty well everybody says AC/DC Pro is "the-one-Stern-Pro-you-don't-buy" because by comparison the Premium is loaded. The thing is, some of us think the Pro plays a better game of pinball: faster for a start.

Really sorry @Colywobbles! It looks like I picked up on your post and directly contradicted it. Actually I posted the above comment before I'd clocked your post. I think both views are valid.
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I personally would be opting for the newer release Godzilla pro over JP2 pro even though I haven’t played it yet. If you are a big fan of Jurassic Park that may sway you over Godzilla As they are both great games.

You can’t go wrong with any Elwin designed game IMO if you are a fairly good player as they have plenty of depth and interesting shots to go for.

If you are looking for something easier, but still very good fun I would be looking at Deadpool, Stranger Things or Mandalorian.

What ever you choose you can’t really go too wrong as you can just sell it and buy a different game later down the track.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention was JP and although I’m not a big fan and mine lasted all of a month for before I sold on I have got to say I got back what I paid for it and had 3 buyers lined up without even advertising it!
So all the pins you are looking at are in high demand on the 2nd hand marketplace so like @ChrisP said you can’t really go wrong with any of the newer stuff he mentions in fact I have DP and an incoming Mando soon as well as the super hyped Godzilla of course.
Whatever you get I’m sure you will enjoy as new sterns are the way to go for many reasons.
Godzilla will get better as they complete the software.

Why not get a cheap flight to Luton, check out both games (at Brunswick Center) and fly back the same day.
Godzilla will get better as they complete the software.

Why not get a cheap flight to Luton, check out both games (at Brunswick Center) and fly back the same day.
As Gary says, London's Brunswick Centre has both JP2 Premium and GZ Pro. I played them on Friday, back-to-back, and would heartily recommend either of them - Keith Elwin is an exceptional designer.

I expected JP2 Premium to be definitively better, but the moving T-Rex head isn't as exciting as I expected. I hoped it would eat and throw the ball ALL THE TIME... and, sadly, it didn't. So, you're probably not missing too much with the Pro. Likewise, although the GZ Pro has some awful plastic standees (e.g. MechaGodzilla), there will be lots of after-market mods to replace it, I'm sure.

Oh one thing I forgot to mention was JP and although I’m not a big fan and mine lasted all of a month for before I sold on I have got to say I got back what I paid for it and had 3 buyers lined up without even advertising it!
So all the pins you are looking at are in high demand on the 2nd hand marketplace so like @ChrisP said you can’t really go wrong with any of the newer stuff he mentions in fact I have DP and an incoming Mando soon as well as the super hyped Godzilla of course.
Whatever you get I’m sure you will enjoy as new sterns are the way to go for many reasons.

[Controversial opinion alert] The Brunswick Centre also has several other newish Sterns (e.g. Mando, LZ, Turtles, The Beatles, Stranger Things). I've also played Deadpool Pro at another London venue, Chief Coffee, and, personally, I don't think any of these are worth the money over famous older machines, e.g. AFM, LoTR, FT, WH20, Ghostbusters, ST:TNG. I also quite like Avengers: Infinity Quest so, for me, personally, the appeal is Elwin as a designer [/end controversial opinion]

What I would say is that, despite being a rubbish pinball player, I prefer challenging machines like Total Nuclear Annihilation and (well-configured) Fish Tales. If you prefer an easier machine and are keen on a NIB, I'd maybe look at Mando or Deadpool instead - these seem to have a high rating among people who don't like a pin to kick their backside. If you're looking for a gentler play, I'd definitely recommend choosing your NIB by theme - rather than play style. Also, Stranger Things (specifically) plays almost exactly like AFM/MM, which is why I don't like it - there are MMs/AFMs around London and I'd rather play them instead.
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As Gary says, London's Brunswick Centre has both JP2 Premium and GZ Pro. I played them on Friday, back-to-back, and would heartily recommend either of them - Keith Elwin is an exceptional designer.

I expected JP2 Premium to be definitively better, but the moving T-Rex head isn't as exciting as I expected. I hoped it would eat and throw the ball ALL THE TIME... and, sadly, it didn't. So, you're probably not missing too much with the Pro. Likewise, although the GZ Pro has some awful plastic standees (e.g. MechaGodzilla), there will be lots of after-market mods to replace it, I'm sure.

[Controversial opinion alert] The Brunswick Centre also has several other newish Sterns (e.g. Mando, LZ, Turtles, The Beatles, Stranger Things). I've also played Deadpool Pro at another London venue, Chief Coffee, and, personally, I don't think any of these are worth the money over famous older machines, e.g. AFM, LoTR, FT, WH20, Ghostbusters, ST:TNG. I also quite like Avengers: Infinity Quest so, for me, personally, the appeal is Elwin as a designer [/end controversial opinion]

What I would say is that, despite being a rubbish pinball player, I prefer challenging machines like Total Nuclear Annihilation and (well-configured) Fish Tales. If you prefer an easier machine and are keen on a NIB, I'd maybe look at Mando or Deadpool instead - these seem to have a high rating among people who don't like a pin to kick their backside. If you're looking for a gentler play, I'd definitely recommend choosing your NIB by theme - rather than play style. Also, Stranger Things (specifically) plays almost exactly like AFM/MM, which is why I don't like it - there are MMs/AFMs around London and I'd rather play them instead.
Going to have to disagree on Mando being an easy machine!
Going to have to disagree on Mando being an easy machine!

As I say, it's just the reviews I've read.

I've played the Mando Pro at the Brunswick Centre a few times, but it personally didn't grab me, so I can't tell how easy - or otherwise - it is.

The general reputation of JP2 is that it's very hard and can be frustrating. I personally like frustrating machines with short ball times, but I'm aware - even within my own household - that this isn't a general preference, so I wanted to mention it to the OP. I don't find the JP2 at the Brunswick Arcade especially frustrating, but Neil McRae seems to think it may be set up with a flat playfield to make it unduly easy. I can't say he's wrong because, as I was accompanied by a four year old, I didn't check the levelling. However, I suspect the pins may be configured to invite repeat plays from the young (when we were there) clientele. We got a lot of matches and replays - so many, that we barely used any credits.
My problem at the moment is that I can not find any available from my supplier in Greece. everything is closed until the beginning of 2022. except for mandalorian and stranger things but i don't like them that much
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