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Next Stern pin rumours


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
It seemed next Steve Ritchie pin was almost definitely AC-DC - still might be.

Rumours that it just might be Harry Potter?

Other pins for next year include Avengers and Star Trek.

Nothing confirmed......
if the permission has been given and Potter is ignored they would miss out on a monster imo.

with the amount of 'make believe' in the books and films to draw from it could be a monster. it would also grab a new generations imigination to boot!

not doing one imo would be a massive 'gerald ratner' moment.
As much as I'd like to ....I really can't see *ANY* one theme turning around the inevitable decline of pinball as entertainment for the masses.

It may continue as a collectors/home hobby for the forseeable but pins on location are all but over. Arcades are pretty much history, pubs are in decline - the ones that are hanging on are more often than not more restaurant than pub these days with little interest in coin op games.

We have had LOTR, Spiderman, and now Transformers ...... massive licenses ...... Joe Public has no interest.
LE versions of the games in Cinema Foyer and then offer the basic (more affordable) version for home users.

Would probably require the likes of stern/jjp to place the units in cinemas rather than the cinemas buying them.

How many kids would demand a Harry Potter/ Muppets etc pinball after leaving the latest movie and playing/seeing the pinball machine in the foyer ?

After a few months the cinema LE units could be sold off to collectors.

Simple (yeah right)
My local cinema installed a new SM about 6 months ago. Within mins it was being played by kids who had no idea what it was.

Seemed to do OK for the first couple of months. Everytime I went there it was being used. However, 3 months ago, I tried to play it and found it unplayable with trapped balls and the target ramp stuck. 6 weeks later it still hadn't been repaired so I guess it really can't have been making them any money....
Re: However, 3 months ago, I tried to play it and found it unplayable with trapped balls and the target ramp stuck. 6 weeks later it still hadn't been repaired so I guess it really can't have been making them any money....

I know of an operator who is always pleased if I phone him to say that a game is broken. He says that his biggest problem with pins is that when they develop a fault no one tells him so they can sit there for weeks not taking any money.
I actually emailed them to let them know (and cheekily ask if they were interested in selling it if they didn't want to repair it). Never heard back, and I suspect it's sat there since still unplayable.

Interesting to watch the kids play it though as they clearly had no idea what one was but were interested.

I also organised a couple of school trips to Ripley's Believe It Or Not last year and they had two of their Sterns there. Each machine always seemed to have a queue of people waiting to play it (£1 a game), so I guess there is still hope if machine's are put in locations with enough kids present. Just don't think the do the businesses anymore in arcades or pubs.
Naturally, I'd fancy a HP pin!
This could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that a HP pin wasn't going to happen as JK Rowling doesn't like pins - apparently she views them as something akin to a gambling device, hence she won't allow the license to be used for one.

Shame really - I'm not a huge fan but the books and movies are pretty entertaining and I reckon the theme would lend itself well to a pin. Don't think it would suddenly make pinball relevant again, but I'd certainly be interested.

Also, I'd much prefer a Zeppelin pin to AC/DC...
What 5 tracks would you go for on your DC pin, here are mine:

Back in Black

Riff Raff

Let's get it up

Walk all over you

Rock'n'roll damnation

Hard to pick 5 but those really kick ass!! wedge "Live wire" in there somewhere also.

"Also, I'd much prefer a Zeppelin pin to AC/DC"...Have to agree, apart from Angus - Bon, AC/DC are average (write great tracks but average musicians) All Led Zeppelin are world class, never will there be another outfit like this, fate placed 4 amazing talents together and the rest is history, RIP JB
Dreads' date=' post: 1688339 said:
What 5 tracks would you go for on your DC pin, here are mine:

Back in Black

Riff Raff

Let's get it up

Walk all over you

Rock'n'roll damnation

Hard to pick 5 but those really kick ass!! wedge "Live wire" in there somewhere also.

"Also, I'd much prefer a Zeppelin pin to AC/DC"...Have to agree, apart from Angus - Bon, AC/DC are average (write great tracks but average musicians) All Led Zeppelin are world class, never will there be another outfit like this, fate placed 4 amazing talents together and the rest is history, RIP JB

Nah it would have to be

''Shoot to thrill'' for when you plunge the ball

''You shook me all night long'' for shaker mode

''Hells Bells'' for the big bell target behind the motorised 3 bank targets

''Highway to Hell'' for the Highway to Hell orbit

''Back in Black'' for a special Black ceramic powerball with lightning bolts on
jonathan' date=' post: 1688345 said:
Nah it would have to be

''Shoot to thrill'' for when you plunge the ball

''You shook me all night long'' for shaker mode

''Hells Bells'' for the big bell target behind the motorised 3 bank targets

''Highway to Hell'' for the Highway to Hell orbit

''Back in Black'' for a special Black ceramic powerball with lightning bolts on

Back in Black - when the ball goes into one of them plastic ball feeds under the pf (routed machine a few years old)

Riff Raff - slingshot bounces

Let's get it up - when your scratching the highest score

Walk all over you - when you get a tilt warning

Rock'n'roll damnation - just for kicks

Live wire - again a routed machine a few years old with a couple of hack jobs
I thought AC/DC was all but confirmed?

It must have a back in black (similar to strobe) mode and a highway to hell mode. I'd also like it to have a "Heatseeker" mode where you have to chase the coloured ball around the playfield
Paul' date=' post: 1688340 said:
you'd have to have the riff to "ace of spades" somewhere in there tho... else it wouldnt be a DC pin....

:oops: Where's the rolls eyes emoticon?

I'd have:

For those about to rock (we salute you)



Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Givin the dog a bone

Rock 'n' Roll ain't noise pollution
Paul' date=' post: 1688340 said:
you'd have to have the riff to "ace of spades" somewhere in there tho... else it wouldnt be a DC pin....

Wasn't Ace of Spades a Motorhead track?

A Led Zep themed machine would be cool
Paul' date=' post: 1688428 said:
Looooooooooool i cant believe how many people have missed this

I refer the honourable gentleman to my line:

:oops: Where's the rolls eyes emoticon?

Paul' date=' post: 1688428 said:
Looooooooooool i cant believe how many people have missed this

I saw it straight away but was too polite to correct you (grin), other members would have been made to account immediately
Wow, still rockin' the AutoCAD! Makes manufacture so much more labour intensive (i.e. expensive). Gives me a dilemma, half way through funding a TRON and now there's AC/DC. Hmmmm....

Does anyone else see a sunken lower playfield in the centre?
I assume AC/DC will follow in the tradition of TF, ie. more in it to try and compete with JJP
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