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New game in the Tiki Hut: ELVIS has entered the building


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
no, me neither.

i think i'd seen one once at Daventry a couple of years ago, and i probably had a couple of goes on it but don't remember forming any impression, either positive or negative. the only trouble with encountering a new pin at a show (which is 99% a positive thing) is you cannot ever hear the music, and you are at the mercy of how it is set up for your impression: if it's got a dodgy flipper, or it's too shallow or too steep, or if there's a big bright fluorescent reflecting overhead, or a switch on a major shot won't register, it's bound to put you off. anyway, as i said, i had no impressions of Elvis, i just knew i had an LW3 i was gonna sell at the Slam, and then i saw a post by Eddie Mole on Yahoo group that he was selling his Elvis and looking to trade it for an LW3, so it wasn't a hard decision.

Anyway, yesterday morning LW3 was waved goodbye, and later that evening, ELVIS entered the Tiki Hut. uh huh huh indeed.

Elvis 8.jpg Elvis 7.jpg Elvis 6.jpg Elvis 4.jpg Elvis 5.jpg Elvis 3.jpg Elvis 2.jpg Elvis 1.jpg

i still have no idea what i'm doing, really not a scooby. all i can tell you is that it's very colourful and there is a dancing character that looks nothing like Elvis in the middle there. i've not read any rules yet, as i like to have a flail and a flap about first. there are two flippers at the bottom, one on the upper right (it's a Steve Ritchie game, so think STTNG or HS2) and one on an upper playfield that is the Heartbreak Hotel HH.

it seems that you can get a multiball by getting up to the HH surface and shooting three into it, but also i got one by knocking down the E/L/V/I/S drop targets on the left (screaming fans?) and i think there was also a MB associated with either the Hound Dog or Jailhouse Rock or something. i have no idea.

Anyway, my first impression is that this is fun but i really wish the animatronic Elvis looked a bit like him. seriously, i wouldn't pick him out of a lineup, he looks more like Floella Benjamin to me.

so come on fellas, does anyone know this game? any impressions, tips, idea, links to a face transplant for the dancing puppet?

this game will be coming to the Slam in place of LW3 so you can all form impressions there.
Dan that's 3 games you have that I want (well 3 I can realistically afford)
My missus is a huge Elvis fan and she actually wants this one. I really have an urge to own the WWFRR and then there's the obvious bttf.

I'm the same as you though mate, played it but didn't know what I was doing, just know I enjoyed the experience. It looks nice too.

Look forward to playing it at the slam mate.
They used to have one in a local pub here and I played it quite a lot. I remember the ruleset was pretty easy to get a grasp of, cant be bothered to waffle on about it now.

Always enjoyed it - do remember thinking the upper playfield was a bit underused - just the one shot up there that wasn't that hard, and yes the dancing skinny spacker Elvis is laughable, also found that stupid hound dog irritating as f*ck.

Oh and the video mode was pants, I think it may have been the last time Stern did one.

Still ....nice ! Look forward to playing it again.
I like Elvis:oops: Didn't think I would but it was fun. Julain's the person to ask about tactics on it.

I actually think Stern should have built on the video mode when they did AC/DC. Tapping the buttons a la Guitar hero would have been cool and isn't Elvis something like that?

The wiggle on the toy is pretty crap though
Dan that's 3 games you have that I want (well 3 I can realistically afford)
My missus is a huge Elvis fan and she actually wants this one. I really have an urge to own the WWFRR and then there's the obvious bttf.

I'm the same as you though mate, played it but didn't know what I was doing, just know I enjoyed the experience. It looks nice too.

Look forward to playing it at the slam mate.

If you need to make space , then Whirly will be more than welcome in San Fran Brighton :cool:
Elvis is one of my favourite tables.

Yes it's pink, yes it's cheesy and yes other pin collectors take the p1ss out of me for owning one

But it is a massively massively underrated game!

It's a true Steve Ritchie classic with many of his challenging signature shots included.

In fact the reason I like it so much is that it is the perfect balance of difficulty. In 1000+ games I've only made it to Graceland twice, and I've still not made it through all the rooms (4 ball no extra tournament settings)

Good flow, excellent variety of shots, 21 objectives to get to Graceland, it really is one that I keep on playing
Loving the custom message :D Perhaps you could mod it to change the Elvis figure for a better one....don't know how easy that would be?
Elvis was the last of the pinballs in the local arcades and even though it was knackered I still enjoyed playing it.

It's on my want list.
Elvis was the last of the pinballs in the local arcades and even though it was knackered I still enjoyed playing it.

It's on my want list.

My local arcade has an Elvis that they never ever clean or maintain for years now, and I enjoyed playing it when it was mostly working, as they have no intentions of ever fixing it, I had to get my own

the video gives a quick whiz around the rules of the game. i left plenty out so here are the main other bits -
:cool:skill shot options: either flashing drop target, or up to top lanes. more points for the lit lane without moving it using flippers
:cool:at the top middle are three targets TCB - taking care of business - and when you get all three, it's 2xplayfield for 20 seconds, so try for this every multiball
:cool:the scarf target (next to jailhouse) gives you extras - addaball to MB, add time to modes etc
:cool:modes can be stacked, so for example Hound Dog (a frenzy) can be added on to other things
:cool:modes can be stacked, so for example Hound Dog (a frenzy) can be added on to other things

If you want the big money, hit the HBH garage door first to open it. Next get your Hound dog one hit away from starting. Then complete TCB targets for 2x scoring. Next get your final hit on Hound Dog to start that feature. Finally you want to start HBH as soon as possible, then you have 3 ball double scoring hound dog for MEGA points on the spinner :)
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If you want the big money, hit the HBH garage door first to open it. Next get your Hound dog one hit away from starting. Then complete TCB targets for 2x scoring. Next you want to start HBH as soon as possible, then you have 3 ball double scoring hound dog for MEGA points on the spinner :)
when do i start hound dog? only when HBH is already running, or only after starting TCB?
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