Watch this from 19 minutes - he says he has designed the next pinball Chicago gaming are going to make..... Does not really give anything away about design.
Oh well........
What about Cactus canyon? BBB?I think they have pretty much exhausted the viable re makes now so new titles is the only options
they should do RFM. having just acquired one, i’m hooked and of course “new pin to me, biased” at the mo [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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Mechanically you can repair them and Alien too. But when a board is down you buy another one.Why are CGC pins impossible to repair????
I would buy one over a WPC95 game any day of the week and I actually make a proportion of my living from repairing pinballs.
Your Alien LE will be harder to repair than a CGC. I have schematics for one, you can not get those for a Heighway.
Agree 100%there are many things on the boards that are fixable, the CPU board and power board. yes the board under the play field is challenging but not unfixable.
but I've had Medieval Madness Remake longer than any other game now and its been totally bullet proof, I've not had to touch it other than clean it. Because of the reliability I sold my Monster Bash and bought the remake and glad I did.