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New cabinets???


Site Supporter
1 10 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
Does anyone in the UK make decal ready cabinets?

Failing that does anyone offer a cabinet restore service like Manny used to including silk screening the back?

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I can refurb your cabinet inc the silkscreen warning text and can also install your decals.
Thought you already knew that.
There is not a standard cabinet. Best thing is to returb an existing cabinet.

In the past I have replaced front of cabinets and bases as it’s really hard to find a new cabinet to the correct spec.

Mannys stuff was good but you’d pay £1k for one back then and have to put up with him telling you how great he was. :)

The guy in Stratford used to do cabs but they were not accurate. I know someone had a backbox that was delivered and not wide enough. He only noticed after he applied decals! Also an TAF cab got made that was too wide.

Darren’s (replicas) refurb work comes highly recommended.
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