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Mobile repair / service - Midlands?


Site Supporter
May 23, 2021
Hi all, first issue I've experienced with my Funhouse.

The left flipper button is completely dead. Everything else appears in order, but the machine is intermittently tripping the breaker when switched on, so thinking possibly a short?

I know nothing about the internals, so would ideally like someone with experience to help diagnose the issue.

Any recommendations or someone able to help covering the Midlands (Stafford) ?

Thanks all in advance.
Am I right by saying your machine sometimes trips the breaker when switched on? Your machine tripping the circuit breaker sounds like an issue with the in rush current.

I've had games with bad filters or missing varistors that have caused this. I would start there.


It's the metal box inside the cabinet. If your unfamiliar with a soldering iron and/or electrical work then yeah I would wait for some call out assistance.

As for the flipper bring dead have you got a digital multimeter? Have you checked voltage is reaching the coil?

Any blown fuses?

Done a check around the flipper button, checked for good contact?
Am I right by saying your machine sometimes trips the breaker when switched on? Your machine tripping the circuit breaker sounds like an issue with the in rush current.

As for the flipper bring dead have you got a digital multimeter? Have you checked voltage is reaching the coil?

Any blown fuses?

Done a check around the flipper button, checked for good contact?

Correct, only when it's switched on.

I've visually inspected around the flipper button, but no idea how to check for continuity to the coil.

I'll check for blown fuses next, been watching some videos this morning on how to do that.

Phil, @Pick Holder is midlands based.
He is your best bet for pinball repair.

Thanks for the heads up, will be my next port of call.
Success! (Sort of)

Following the recommendations above.

Looked up service manual for Funhouse, found the fuse reference page (p60). Opened the backbox and pulled fuse F101 - it's clearly gone.

But... what/where do I get a replacement? I tried local hardware store and they only had 20mm domestic fuses. The machine uses 30mm?

Confusingly, the manual references a 2.5A Short Blow as the spec. for F101, but the one I pulled is marked T4AL 240v - which suggests the wrong fuse was fitted? Or is a 4A more appropriate?

I can't find any 2.5A SB fuses available in the UK, only 3A or 4A, the direct replacement per the manual appears only available from USA, so a bit confused what to purchase?

Any help (ideally a link to something that I can purchase and will arrive post-haste) greatly appreciated.
It's very common to find incorrect fuses fitted into pinball machines. I presume it's down to people not finding the correct rating to hand and (stupidly) putting in a larger fuse. This happened on my Amp in my Jukebox, which resulted in cooking the transformer coil as it threw 3x the voltage through it before popping...

Anyway what you are after are slow blow fuses these can be glass or ceramic but glass ones are much easier to see if they're blown.

Alan on the forum was selling sets.

Or you can use :

Retro Arcade Specialists
Pinball Heaven
Hello, Richard,

With the flipper problem, before replacing the fuse, check first that the flipper coil isn't obviously burned (shown by browning of the wrapper, or the wire turns if it lacks a wrapper), and that the 'end of stroke' switch, pushed open by the linkage, really is well open with the flipper moved to its raised position. The switch needs to open in order to cut the more powerful of the coils' two windings out of circuit, preventing it overheating.

Ideally, check by moving the metal solenoid plunger into the coil, rather than moving the flipper.
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Thanks for the info. @s000m, @broomstick and @JT. I checked out Alan's listing and will add to the to-buy list as they appear OEM, in the meantime I was convinced I would have time today, so ended up with an Amazon special mixed bag of 30mm SB fuses, but alas will hopefully get round to trying them tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip @Jay Walker , I'll be sure to give that a go and report back.
With it being a Funhouse, I should have said flippers, plural. It's a case of what Williams called 'Dual Action' flippers - both l/h flippers are switched by the cabinet button, the main flipper first, followed an instant later by the upper.
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