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MIA .....knockers, bobs and shakers : )

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Just thinking out loud here ... ever noticed that even on machines in good shape you will often find that either the tilt bob, the knocker solenoid or the shaker motor (if it had one) will be missing.

Is there a big pile of bobs and knockers somewhere ?:confused:
I can kind of understand the knocker solenoids going as they can be used to replace other ones in the game but not sure what else you could do with a tilt bob or a shaker motor? I guess maybe some people remove the tilt bob if they keep tilting the machine and don't know how to adjust it properly....
I can understand the Bobs and Knockers (remove bob makes it easier, knocker is a working solenoid which can replace a faulty one) but the shaker motor ?

Removed to fix another more deserving machine I guess
More likely to have fallen off and lost when shipping with the cabinet up righted. I always try to remember to look in the back of set up games first before switching on, you'll be surprised what you find down there...
Aside from tilt bobs anything that may have fallen off during transit plus anything that someone once had in the front of the cab before moving... worst I've found was a complete lock bar which was resting very, very close to the games transformer connections!!!
I have been wondering the same thing GrizZ, as I have had several otherwise top notch pins recently with the tilt bob and the dangly bit
missing. Someone, somewhere must have a drawer full of these!

Peter, good tip about checking inside a pin after first setting it up, how often has anyone here upended a pin, just to hear something big rattle down inside the pin? :oops:
I think Congo would be awesome with a shaker motor. Especially when multiball kicks off and the volcano erupts!! Might look into that.
I TiltAlot' date=' post: 1689744 said:
What happens to all those backbox wingbolts? I don't think I've ever bought a Bally/Williams pin with both backbox securing bolts supplied!

Yep - if you get one you are lucky !

And if the backbox still has a *working* securing catch on the back then you really are blessed
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