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Metallica to be updated again?Mebbe


10 Years
Aug 10, 2011
A pinsider called Zaki said

"i called to stern last week on a playfield question. i was told there are code updates coming for meticalla and aerosmith. those are the next ones.

Can be seen in this thread https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/has-2017-been-a-bad-year-for-stern-code-support

Now,as a MET lover,yes that would be cool-i love mine, and it would be great,but TBH I would rather they fixed the code for other games first.
GOT aint had one,but from the people that understand it,it doesn't really need one?
GOT has had an update thanks to Keith Elwin finding a bug in the code at last years PAPA, but yes the code has a finished feeling to it.
GOT is crying out for a code update. It's OK but not great

Not too sure what major tweaks they could make to Metallica.

However you cut it, more code is always good:)
Medieval Madness had one revision of code,only issue I remember was the sound bug,the crack sound,biut very good for one revision.Thinking that the internet,that allows updates to be relatively easy done allows for lazy programming or companies to release pinballs /tvs/video games etc and fix "later"
NES/SNES era games were the same. Finish the code, then release it.

I'd love to see an update to MET & TWD, but they're both more complete than most games which proceeded and followed them.
Medieval Madness had one revision of code,only issue I remember was the sound bug,the crack sound,biut very good for one revision.Thinking that the internet,that allows updates to be relatively easy done allows for lazy programming or companies to release pinballs /tvs/video games etc and fix "later"

I think its about discipline on code and Stern has very little. but internet has enabled things like Counterstrike and a ton of other cool moded games... not pinball but I think the pros easily outweigh the cons. A good few console games in the old days had bugs that prevented you completing the game...
Really can't see what is needed on MET, what am I missing? MET is as near perfect a game as I can think of.

On the other hand AS definitely needs an update. Smart bombs are rarely awarded/used, medley tour (mini wizard mode) is absolute pants. Songs in wizard mode should be in the same order you select them, or at the very least randomised - not, as it is now, always the same order. Skill shot into lock needs adding. Actual Wizard Mode (Final Tour) is a bit pants as well, although worth a $hitload of points.
I think if you ask the car park attendent at Stern - is new code coming for monopoly he’d say yes....

Really can't see what is needed on MET, what am I missing? MET is as near perfect a game as I can think of.

On the other hand AS definitely needs an update. Smart bombs are rarely awarded/used, medley tour (mini wizard mode) is absolute pants. Songs in wizard mode should be in the same order you select them, or at the very least randomised - not, as it is now, always the same order. Skill shot into lock needs adding. Actual Wizard Mode (Final Tour) is a bit pants as well, although worth a $hitload of points.

agreed, we will see
any new code for any game is good
Really can't see what is needed on MET, what am I missing? MET is as near perfect a game as I can think of.

On the other hand AS definitely needs an update. Smart bombs are rarely awarded/used, medley tour (mini wizard mode) is absolute pants. Songs in wizard mode should be in the same order you select them, or at the very least randomised - not, as it is now, always the same order. Skill shot into lock needs adding. Actual Wizard Mode (Final Tour) is a bit pants as well, although worth a $hitload of points.
More smart bombs needed for sure. And champion awards.
So, you got to the Final Tour? Impressive:)
More smart bombs needed for sure. And champion awards.
So, you got to the Final Tour? Impressive:)
Final Tour was a glass off experience

Although just played a game where the only song I needed to complete was Last Child - hate those loops.
Over 400 mil and didn't get a single smart bomb
After seeing Waynes bit underneath

My pins gone
Soccer KLings x 2 , Funhouse x2 ,Swars x 2 , no Fear x2 , STTNG, Whitewater, RS,SStiff,NBAFB, MM, CV,RFM, Shadow,TX Sector(1st one),Volcano x 2,Banzai Run,DrPoo,TFTC,Dig A Star, Sman, Parted out Rescue 911 - beyond emergency help!!
Soon to go Spirit
Most money spent MET-dont go there!¬!!¬!!
Final Tour was a glass off experience

Although just played a game where the only song I needed to complete was Last Child - hate those loops.
Over 400 mil and didn't get a single smart bomb
Wow, super close to Final Tour:)
Hope Stern improve Medley but their record regarding code updates is rubbish this year.
Get the feeling Stern need to up their game all round as their competition is slowly getting stronger.
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