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Metallica pro vs deadpool Pro

Metallica pro or deadpool pro

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Nov 5, 2015
Mate was asking me what do you guys think is the better game out of the two and why
I couldnt really say myself as i havent played either long
I have both albeit Met premium and DP le
Both are equally magnificent pins IMO but in Pro flavour I think DP just takes it.
That said getting either is gonna be a big ask anyway so just grab the 1st one that turns up and he wont be disappointed.
Both great games - my vote is Deadpool because the flow is so good and the shots really fun to shoot with lots of different modes and progression. Brilliant game especially for a 2 flipper machine.

Metallica to start with is very sparky (centre shot all day) focused - which can be slightly repetitive . The code is really good though, lots to keep things interesting and the strategy/shots you have to make does open up as you get further into the game with the other multiballs, Lady Justice, Seek and Destroy and the multiple Crank it Up modes.
Haven't played a whole pile of either but mettalica seems far more adult themed with a few toys even on the pro wheres deadpool more family friendly with I guess just mini deadpool on the pro? Soundtrack on both is good but as a fan of the band there's not much other pins can compete with mettalica tunes/theme integration wise and they work well together. Can't speak to the rules of either in great depth but both shoot great. Surprised it's not more of an even split. Where are all the mettalica fans?
Late to the party posting (my office blocking this site has really reduced the amount of time I spend on here; used to be every lunchtime...waves fist in the air...)
Was too late to vote, however as much as I'm biased toward Metallica, as others have said, you can't really go wrong with either machine; both great games.

If you aren't a diehard fan of either, I'd suggest getting whichever one one comes up first and then after a while trading for/towards the other?
If you can, also just play both loads on location if you can; one will likely stand out as something you'd love to have at home.

My thoughts on why Met is so great (pro or prem) - note, just my opinion/I'm biased as a fan of the band for nearly 35 years:

Sparky multiball+grave/MOP start up never gets boring (I love games which have a build up to a multiball; nice breather before chaos!..)

Some of the best call outs "Jack f'in pot!"

Loads of great modes which kick in pretty naturally as you get good (seek&Destroy, lady justice etc)

Metal ramps with the red lamps underneath are slick.

Crank it up modes don't seem to get boring; always tense and can always do better - cashing out feels great

Smashing the captive ball (hammer block on prem) for hurryups feels very satisfying + way it's worked in to Lyman's rules is brilliant

Going for the add-a-ball during multiballs and hitting the snake shot feels awesome (even better on the prem and one of the bigger advantages over the pro)

Hitting the right scoop for extra balls/crank it up always super satisfying (nothing special about the shot; just feels great

Smashing orbit shots and combos; feels awesome and can get very fast.

Artwork, music and lightshow; all brilliant (lighting even better on Prem)

Edit; forgot to mention:-)..

Dmd annimations, especially with colour dmd are great.

Must admit that once you know the game inside out and really know the rules, it can feel a bit like you've seen everything, but I liken it to a classic old school arcade game where you really hone in on trying gto brat your high score/modes scores, rather than following a story/leveling up or whatever.
Have to take a break from my machine once in a while to try and keep it fresh, but I'd imagine that's always the case with only being able to have one machine.

Would be interested to see what you end up with; either way you'll have a blast.
Have only played Deadpool during comps (premium I think), but it's great and the animations are cool 👍🏻
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