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Matt and Alpha1 pinball mansion raid

Pins found that I could identify:

F14 Tomcat
Beat the Clock
Silverball Mania
nice weather for you to explore,surprised the graffiti artists have not found it yet
considering Vector had a low production run,it's amazing how many seem to have ended up in the uk,it's a rare game in the states apparently
it doesn't feel like a limited game as I've seen them at a few events in the US.
I have done a few of these 28 Days Later style visits, never found a stash of pins.
The walls look like they will stand forever but once the water makes it way through the roof, and then the ceilings, the damage quickly escalates.
It looks like a lot of decay on the main structure in 40 years.
The fire escape indicates it was used a hotel, office or something rather than residentia. With so much arcade stuff, that feels like a repair center so a business maybe?

I believe in the idea of taking only memories but in this case, the items left are only going to rot or be destroyed by vandals.
Incredible building.
If I were you I would picked up the pinballs for projects.
Too bad.
I really sorry those machine and the neglected building. Use to be a nice place was Im sure.
If we were more prepared we could have saved some. It was a 2 mile walk through a forest and hills and lots of mud to get there. We didn't realise.
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