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Make room for Pinball!!


10 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Some of you may have heard that I recently got my first Pinball. It took quite some talking to convince the wife it was a good idea.

Now, how do I step it up and convince her we have room for another? ;)

A colleague from Denmark last night offered to loan me his CV. I just have to arrange to get it from Denmark to the UK. I think next trip away on business I need to hire a van and drive over.

He's also invited me over for a tournament they're holding in his local town in November this year. Might be hard to swing that one but could be interesting.
It's a loan - shouldnt be any problems as you dont have to shell out any £££ (Other than to collect it!)

Take her in November - i'm sure there's lots of shopping there ;)
Haha, good thinking Paul. I think I need to start bargaining with her using shoes and handbags as incentive.

Although, she HAS been playing the Pin whilst i've been away on business so I think that could be a good sign. Maybe she'd like a Pin of her own at some point......
She made a point of posting her high score online for me to see. It could be a good sign. I guess time will tell.

I am a lucky man, my other half does like pinball. My first machine is the one I wanted, the others have been the themes she enjoyed at the meetings she has attended. Obviously they are machines I would have wanted to own at some point but her involvement really helps my interests.
My Wife would have a CV so you might have stumbled on a good theme for your Wife to enjoy. Good luck.
Thanks Calimori. The guy who's offered me the loan also has a very understanding girlfriend - she didn't like Pinball at first but over time and through playing she's become as much of an addict as he is. He's got a collection of 6 machines.

So I can only hope the same rings true for me. To be fair my wife has been really tolerant of my gaming addiction in the 8 years we've been together, so here's hoping that continues. ;)
i think you'd be insane to borrow a machine from another country, can you not borrow one from nearer to home?
i have a couple in storage that you could probably borrow instead if you like - i'm in West London, and would rather they are being played than collecting dust
When I said about collecting the Pin from Denmark I was being a little tongue in cheek. The reality is that I only received by first Pin less than a week ago and i've barely had time to touch it due to work commitments. When I get back I have plenty to keep me busy and that's before I even start about convincing my wife to allow another in the house.

I'll keep your very kind offer in mind for the future Dan, but I think for now i'll focus on fixing up the R&B. I'll hopefully be opening a shop log for it once I get back. I've already got a couple of people working on tracking down that damned missing spring from the Nell Log and i've made a little progress on finding a replacement Lion Plastic.
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