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Machine Log Books

Mike Kindler

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
South Croydon
I have started a log book for each of my machines which is kept in the cash box area. I've noted dates and price I paid when purchased, serial numbers, when the balls were changed, NVRAM installed, pinsound boards and colour dmd changes, any faults and what was done to fix them etc. Hopefully any future owners will continue the process when I eventually move them on. Should make for interesting reading a few years hence.

Is there anything I should add to the record?
I could suggest: When rubbers last changed, when pf last cleaned, what cleaned with, if batteries present, date changed, list of mods and how they are wired in (I have seen a lot of mods that attach to bulb sockets using crocodile clips - these often fall off! )
I’m doing a similar thing but on a PC, that way I can add photos, attach the manual, etc.
If I ever sell one of them then I can put the info on a thumb drive and send with machine.
I also keep a stock of post-it notes to log issues until I get round to addressing.
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