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LOTR "Destroy The Ring" Mode Help?


Feb 26, 2017
Hi Guys,

So I have LOTR still and it is still amazing to play after all a year and a half but there is a snag with the game.

The Destroy the Ring mode once started and after you have completed the four ring shots (left ramp, right ramp, inner orbit & right orbit), you shoot the ring itself.

Well as all LOTR owners know, when the ring is hit, it holds the first ball and gives a second ball with which you knock the first ball through the ring. But as we all know, this is all well and good if your second ball ring shot is a good clean shot.
Inevitably not all ring shots are perfect stonkers when trying to hammer the first ball through. We sometimes rattle up the ramp with less than perfect full power shots and only one thing happens, as all LOTR owners know. The second ball also gets held on the magnet.

And so during the ball search, magnets are released and both balls are dropped and if one ball drains, the mode is unfairly ended.

Because of this, Stern created an alternate mode so that players could counteract this issue.

The four lane shots still need completing but now players can choose a setting in which instead of the ring holding the ball, the player may shoot the ring a first time which would count as having hit and the ring holding the 1st ball and then hitting a second time to complete the mode.

My issue here is in the alternate mode where the 1st ball is not magnetically held. When I hit the ring counting as the first successful shot, the game is then producing a second ball. Now I have two balls in play. If one drains mode is over, this seems very unfair. Why produce a second ball at all if your not holding the first ball?

On top of that, I become good enough at holding 2 balls in play and hitting the ring for the second shot which should complete the mode, only I have hit all manner of quality second ring hits on many occasions that has gone straight through the ring or rattled in its jaws and it has not counted.

WTF is going on?

Now I am thinking of reverting to the original setting with magnet holding first ball as at worst I end up in the scenario of the second alternate setting when ball search releases both balls if the second gets stuck.
This sucks really, it is a hard game that could do without this niggle.
Hmm, sounds like you have a problem for sure, my LOTR is set to not hold the first ball and it does NOT issue a second ball when you shoot the ring the first time.

I did have an issue with the switch at the end of the ring exit, this wasn't triggering correctly and so it never counted the first ring shot correctly, The switch is a wire to a microswitch, so I adjusted the wire, so that it now always triggers. Maybe you could check to see if this exit switch is working properly. Maybe what is happening for you is a similar problem, - ie you hit the ring and the ball exits, but if it doesn't trigger that exit switch, then the game might assume it has been held (even though it hasn't) and that is hwy it is issuing the second ball in error?
After a night checking switches and testing settings, I have to admit I've made a mistake.

F20 fuse had blown. The magnet fuse.

In a perverse coincidence, thought I had turned the magnet off in settings to counteract the second ball being also held.

For what it's worth, the one ball DTR is not as fun to complete is it. It's a little too easy but also, doesn't it miss some scoring millions.

Isn't it 1m, 1.5m, 2m & 2.5m for the 4 lane shots.
Then 5m for ball held ring hit & 10m for 2nd ball completion?

I couldn't be sure what I scored for the 1 ball mode but if it's 15m it's too easy and if its not, it's points lost.

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Keep an eye on that fuse, I read somewhere, maybe pinside, that stern advised to put in a larger fuse as the suggested one in the manual kept blowing.
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