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London Pinball League meet 5 - Results

Matt Vince

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
The next London Pinball League meet is this Saturday the 18th. After a record turn-out last time I shall be bringing extra machines in for the day so there are plenty of games to play on once league games are finished.

The anticipated line-up will be:

AC/DC Premium
Pirates of the Caribbean
Twilight Zone
Creature from the Black Lagoon
World Cup Soccer
Road Show
Mr & Mrs Pac Man
Space Shuttle
Plus one surprise guest pin! (I don't know which one yet!)

We look forward to seeing you all at the Pipeline from Midday, feel free to bring friends and family along!
Ill be there Matt. Last time was a blast!. I am sure my bro will go and I've now got another mate interested that I might be able to persuade.:)

On a seperate note and at the risk of being lynched. Is the £5 with a drink and pizza not a little on the cheap side? I feel bad playing peoples machines for basically nothing!
Ill be there Matt. Last time was a blast!. I am sure my bro will go and I've now got another mate interested that I might be able to persuade.:)

On a seperate note and at the risk of being lynched. Is the £5 with a drink and pizza not a little on the cheap side? I feel bad playing peoples machines for basically nothing!

I'm glad you feel that we are giving good value for money!! This is the first year of the League being at The Pipeline and Thomas has been very generous in giving everyone a free drink, but that may not be able to continue at all meets in the future. (especially with the number of people coming along!) As for the machines, they are made to be played and I love seeing them busy!
Thanks Matt and I'll be there too. My second meet so hopefully can get a better score this time. Looking forward to watching you on CFTBL as my scores are pathetic in comparison so hopefully I can pick up a few pointers. Cheers
OK, the line-up for this weekend has had to be tweaked due to a destroyed ramp, so the (almost certain) line-up will be:

AC/DC Premium
Mr & Mrs Pac Man
Pirates of the Caribbean
Twilight Zone
Space Shuttle
World Cup Soccer
Road Show

See you tomorrow!
Hurray for Rockin Roller Games :clap:
Boo that Creech is out of action :(
Sounds like a great line up to me Matt
1 Matt Vince
2 Lukasz Romanowski
3 Chris Poyntz
4 Matti Beramsingh
5 David Kershaw
6 Stan Simpson
7 Vin Jauhal
8 Eric Fisher
9 Kate Morris
10 Punk Stig
11 Tim Thornton
12 Robin Kemp
13 Rowan Salger
14 David Tucker
14 Oscar Evrenos
16 Thomas Evrenos
17 Bob Pickering
18 Nick Hamill
18 Richard Hughes
20 Rayne Passmore
21 Sam Cullis
22 Mark Johnson
23 Lander McCarthy
24 Ben Pike
25 Emily Raison
25 Justin Walker
27 Florian Zeisig
28 Edwin McCarthy
29 Alan Pickering
31 John Whitfield
32 Sarah Vince
32 Sverker Nordqvist
34 John Oliver
35 Matthew Whitfield
36 Pippa Pearson
37 Alex Burn
38 Paul Foreman
39 Keith Fransham
40 Daryl Fitzpatrick
41 Ozzi Foreman
42 Chris Anderson
43 Emma Poyntz
44 Matthew Clark
45 Jenette Passmore
45 Kristian Clark
47 Rebecca Whitfield
48 Rob Hammond
49 Graham Spragg
49 Isobel Pike
51 Jess Stone
52 Kira Baker
53 Anna Whitfield
54 Katie Vince
55 Mathilda Walker
56 Lucy Vince
I'm calling shenanigans that the organizer won the event ;) Seriously though Matt great day as always! Can't wait until the next one! :thumbs:
Thanks to all involved. Shame I played like a total bell end. Pretty much died when I discovered my 7 year old daught fot twice my score on oac man and 8 times by score on Roller Games:oops::oops::oops:

Congratulations to Matti B - storming result there!
Yep, many thanks Matt. Great event again and good to play some of the older games. Had a brutal score on Space Shuttle but did surprisingly well on Rollergames which was hard so I guessed balanced things out a bit. Looking forward to the next one already. Cheers.
Congratulations to Matti B - storming result there!

Thanks mate! -- The pinball gods were with me for one day only.

but -- more importantly -- you mentioned in another post that an "Aliens" pinball table has been announced. Is that an Aliens (1986) James Cameron movie Aliens Pinball or something else?
In case anyone hasn't heard yet, the league meet on November 8th has been cancelled!!

We will instead be holding an 'end of season' party on the 29th Nov, this will include a main comp, side comp (hopefully on the walking dead) and meet 6 of the LPL. There will be end of season awards, spot prizes and hopefully a drink or two as well.

More details to follow shortly!
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