I've recently reached out to a few bars around Essex with the hope of getting home games on no location around here. One has got back and is very interested however i need some advice on some specifics. I've routed games before but only in friends locations so they've never been that's bothered by the legal side of putting games on location. Anyways the company has asked for details on:
Previously I split money 50/50 so would intend to do the same here. The others I'm not so sure about, any advice from the location pros would be greatly appreciated so I can bring pinball to the people of Essex who mostly have pinball shaped holes in their hearts!
- Profit/Revenue Share Split Percentages/Specifics
- Insurance and Safety details (i.e. will the machines be risk assessed by you and covered under your insurance?)
- Power Requirements for the machines
Previously I split money 50/50 so would intend to do the same here. The others I'm not so sure about, any advice from the location pros would be greatly appreciated so I can bring pinball to the people of Essex who mostly have pinball shaped holes in their hearts!