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Lexy Lightspeed on P3


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
The latest video of Lexy Lightspeed running on the P3 platform looks amazing in my opinion. Looks like it would work really well in an arcade environment. I'm sure many will be like " that's not real pinball " but as it was a pinball video game ( Pinball arcade ) that got me ( and a lot of people I've met since discovering pinball! ) into pinball it certainly looks very interesting to me.

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I think this may be exactly what the pinball industry needs to attract the younger audience, but on the other side us old farts will look at this and think it's just P2K all over again.
Seems a bit meh to me, even at this more advanced stage of development.

It's clever, it's innovating but.....meh.
I'd be interested to see how it does in an arcade. I suspect it might do well with kids. However, for me it's a bit underwhelming. Lots of very distracting images but the game play looks pretty boring. I fell for RFM after briefly playing it at the SCS, was desperate to track one down and when I did the novelty wore off really quickly, I suspect I would feel the same about this game. Good luck to them but I think they are appealing to a different demographic to the normal pin crowd.
I'd be interested to see how it does in an arcade. I suspect it might do well with kids. However, for me it's a bit underwhelming. Lots of very distracting images but the game play looks pretty boring. I fell for RFM after briefly playing it at the SCS, was desperate to track one down and when I did the novelty wore off really quickly, I suspect I would feel the same about this game. Good luck to them but I think they are appealing to a different demographic to the normal pin crowd.

That's exactly what I was thinking mate.
Interesting take on pinball,like the smoke n that as ball trails,but does seem a bit too open.
too video gamey for me, not.. mechanical enough. lol. does that make me old?
I played this at Expo, and although I have a lot of respect for Gerry and what he is trying to do, my feeling was distinctly "meh". The problem for me was that it just felt like I was playing a video game, but instead of having a controller to aim with, I had two flippers. Which was a bit annoying really. It really didn't feel like pinball. On paper the game should be great - video background, things appearing on the screen telling you what to aim at etc etc etc.

It also seemed a bit contrived: kind of "hit this thing. Now hit that thing. Now hit this 7 times more to destroy it..." Is it pinball or a video game? Both? Or neither?

The game isn't finished so it may end up being great, but what I saw left me a bit confused as to what it was. I reckon kids may like it, but not as much as a proper video game.

As Alan Gibson said about the cricketer Bob Cunis: "Funny name Cunis - neither one thing nor t'other." That's how I feel about Lexy Lightspeed
Yeah! Speaking as a total noobie - this looks quite an exciting development.
Integrating a dynamic playfield yet retain those important physical parts totally interests me.
Those floating flippers and slings just looks nice. Are there any issues with having them setup that way - solenoids & that longer linkage to the flipper?

Would like to have a game to see what it's really like. I could see how some of it could be distracting, but since the game is built around the screen it may be alright. That said, it does seem like the tendency to make pinball modern is to stick a screen on it - I have no other suggestions though just sayin'
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