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LEDs in WH20 ?

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
In an attempt to kickstart my pinball mojo I’m thinking of tidying up old Bigfoot .

Have some Comet LEDs here. Will LEDs look like crap in Wh20 without an OCD board ? It has quite a lot of dimming effects , though mostly end of ball iirc ?

Anyone done this and can comment .

Before anyone says just buy an OCD board ….I’m too cheap and not bothered enough to splash out for an OCD board 😁
I have LEDs in mine and no OCD board - patiently waiting for @stumblor to do a run of his afterglow GI boards.

The end of ball GI dimming effects don’t look great but prob worth the trade off for how good the game looks during gameplay. I’m not too far from you if you want to swing by and have a look.
Strobing is pretty bad with gi although didnt realise how bad until i put a a GI OCD in... its way better with. just much easier on the eyes.
Is there a led friendly rom? I had Paul burn one for my Fishtales and that did the trick, although it was mainly to stop flickering if I remember correctly, which is always a gamble..
It depends if you're talking about GI or inserts.

The gi will have dimming effects that you'll lose with LEDs unless you get an OCD board. You can turn dimming off in the settings so you won't get strobing when it tries to dim.

For inserts you could get away without an OCD. You can always try a few and see how you feel then get an afterglow or two from Davey when he does another run (a lot cheaper and superior to the ledocd)
I may have a couple of Lamp Matrix OCD boards for sale soon, I have had my own assembled (min of 5) using the github files V3.0 with the RP chip just got to make up the leads though I am quite slow, not a lot of spare time.
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