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For Sale Ledbars. LED all in one replacement for lamp socket & bulb


Site Supporter
Dec 27, 2017
Leeds, West Yorkshire
New stock here available now

£90p each in qty plus postage, so:
Qty 50 = £50 posted
100 = £95 posted
200 = £185 posted

Work in most bally and stern SS games. Also work in early Gott SS (tested in Genie).
Tested in whitewater fine both with and without ledocd board installed.

Will not work in bally games that control two different lamps off one scr (goldball, 6803 games)

Much cheaper and more reliable than a bulb and lamp holder combination.

DM me if you want


Alan i see you are using these for controlled lamps within the lamp matrix. Where are the diodes located? Do the black boards have diodes within and green ones not?
Alan i see you are using these for controlled lamps within the lamp matrix. Where are the diodes located? Do the black boards have diodes within and green ones not?
On SS games, no diodes needed.

On WPC game, there are two options:
1. retain the diode as per the old lamp socket - i.e. column wire to the positive on the Ledbar, negative side of ledbar to the external diode Anode and the external diode cathode to the Row wire.
or, much easier:
2. Remove the bypass resistor off the ledbar.

The bypass resistor is there to draw enough current on SS games to fully switch on the SCR. It is not needed for WPC type games.

I can get a batch made without them on but it's a split second job to remove them as they are tiny SMD resistors.
Alan, I can see two SMD components on the LEDbar. One is the bypass resistor - is the other a diode? I'm just trying to work out where the diode would be located in this set up?

This is very interesting for scratch builds and homebrew. The light board pcbs can be unobtainium / very expensive.
Alan, I can see two SMD components on the LEDbar. One is the bypass resistor - is the other a diode? I'm just trying to work out where the diode would be located in this set up?

This is very interesting for scratch builds and homebrew. The light board pcbs can be unobtainium / very expensive.
2 resistors, and the LED. The LED IS a diode remember, so you don't need another.
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