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LED strobing


Oct 1, 2017
Bath, UK
I took a video of my TAF the other day as a prelude to fitting an LED OCD board so I could compare the difference and I was shocked to see how differently it looks on video, at even 29.97 FPS.

(sorry about the vertical video)

It looks nothing like that to the naked eye. in the video the various inserts, e.g. the chair lights, flash like 1-2-1-2 before a perceptible delay, before doing 1-2-1-2 again, etc.

I guess this is what people mean about seeing the difference that proper LED dimming & LED OCD etc.

I feel like my eyes are broken that I'm not seeing this with my own eyes lol.
Inserts are lighting up when they're not supposed to. That video is a textbook example of ghosting, and epilepsy-inducing LEDs.

Hurry up with that OCD board.
The scary thing is, and I'm not just saying it, that I can't see that at all when I'm in front of the machine. I guess if I looked closely I could probably see some ghosting, but not full on "this bulb is actually switched on".

LED OCD was installed at the weekend but blew the 1.5A fuse within a couple of seconds of powering on the machine. Have got some 2A and 2.5A fuses today, and am going to attempt to refit tonight.

Wondering whether my eyes are faulty now.. since I know people on here talk about LEDs causing headaches, etc.. I guess they are more sensitive to them and see whats in the video or close to it.
I get no ghosting or strobing with my incandescent bulbs..... ?

Seriously though, I would question the wisdom of putting a higher rated fuse into a circuit because the original blew, the people who designed the circuit wont have come up with the fuse rating by guessing.

Reminds me of the old joke about the cheapest fuse being a nail, because you can pick it out of the ashes and use it again next time..... :oops:
The maker of the board did say that it would be safe "up to 2.5A", and that 1.5A is conservative. I have quite a few LED scoop lights and LED pop bumper rings, which I guess pushed it over the edge. I agree with your general point though. :)

He did also say that he couldn't guarantee that a lamp short wouldn't nuke the board anyway, regardless of the fuse, so I shouldn't be risking anything more than is already at risk.
I'm sure your eyes are fine. We see at about 30 random fps. Random as in 30 stills a second but not at equal intervals due to rapid eye movement, blinking and other factors. The magic of the brain fills in the blanks.

Your phone records by taking a second and dividing it equally by the selected FPS and it can't fill in the blanks.

The result is that LEDs always look worse on film then real life.
The difference with the led ocd board will be really noticeable and once you have seen it you won’t understand how you did without it.
I have set 2 up now and even the default setting is 100% better than nothing.
Phone cameras , Its only having unsynced low frame rate leds.
You need to PWM led's around 1K for the phone cameras to look good.
Personally I think LED’s are a great idea, but I could never live with the ghosting, I fitted them in my TAF and since refitted incandescents. I know an OCD board would be a good solution but have never bothered.

Now have a pretty huge bag of LED’s from various machines, just don’t like the ghosting.

Maybe I should try an OCD board!?
Have a look at the Afterglow thread I started.
It's an Arduino fan based mod thats comparible to an OCDLED.
I have an OCDLED but due to the cost of them have backed four of these Afterglow boards.
What a difference a day (and LED and GI OCD boards make)

Don't really see the benefit of GI OCD in that video, but during Showtime it looks very different.

Really impressed with the two boards, they worked pretty much out of the box without me having to really do much customisation at all.

I will say however that I'm still not bothered by digital LEDs, but TAF does look like a more modern machine now with bright, fading lighting.
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