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LED OCD-Capcom

Dave Bishop

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Sidcup, Kent
LED OCD Board for Capcom, the guy who makes them (herg on Pinside) doesn’t know if he will make any more. He is busy with the Williams & Sten ones.

There is a group on Pinside that is taking “orders” to try to get Herg to make more Capcom ones..

@myPinballs, have you thought about maybe producing an alternative board?


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@AlanJ whats the difference between this and the one weve been talking about ? (Other than this is for Capcom obviously :) )
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Capcom games have 2 x lamp matrixes - however each one is the same layout as a WPC lamp matrix - 8 rows and 8 columns. It's possible that two AGs would do the job, assuming they were strobed in the same way.

Wanna do some testing for me @David_Vi ??
Capcom games have 2 x lamp matrixes - however each one is the same layout as a WPC lamp matrix - 8 rows and 8 columns. It's possible that two AGs would do the job, assuming they were strobed in the same way.

Wanna do some testing for me @David_Vi ??

I'm happy to test if told what to do 😁👍
I think the connectors on the board differ though. So I couldn't just grab my Afterglows unless I made cables
And you know what I'm like...if I'm gonna start fiddling and moving Nanos from my games I'll break something,🤣🤣
Fortunately the DE and WPC column adapters are close enough that I can hack them with a solder bridge. I can send you one of the new AGRs to test with.
Hopefully I'll get a bulk amount of comets in for Diner and Bk2k soon so will have some to try it properly with
I'm dying to get LEDs in my Pinball Magic, it really is one of my favourite games and the light show is stunning, it just looks so dark and drab compared to other games
Would love to see LEDs in a capcom if it looks right. Hopefully the OCD style boards will sort this. The games looks amazing in attract mode with the lovely dimming/brightening.

Remember looking into this for a customer of mine many years ago who purchased 'Magic Mellows' lovely Pinball Magic I put together with him, LEDs at the time were in the early stages and they just looked awful.

Interesting project but how many would sell? Could someone buy his circuit design off him and get PCBway to knock some up?
There are 45 Capcom LED OCD Boards that people have said the will order.

I think there is an issue with the FAQ ‘s on the problems with these boards and what if the thing breaks… That and part shortages.
If you can get a Capcom running led Davey I'm in for two at least.
Looking forward to any updates on this. Not much holds my intrest these days but this has sparked a light.
I thought as much , I did hear that Breakshot wouldn't work but both Pinball Magic and Airborne would work.
The adapter boards are here, so now just need new stock of the afterglow R and a guinea pig to try the two board idea. About 25 backed up orders for the AGR, more coming soon. Few weeks I hope!
If Herg over at LED OCD doesn’t do anymore Capcom boards.. there are so far around 80 people wanting this type of board.
If Herg over at LED OCD doesn’t do anymore Capcom boards.. there are so far around 80 people wanting this type of board.
Somebody on pinside wanted one for TZ but Herg hasn’t got any until November so mentioned he could try and get an Afterglow from Stumblor, hope it doesn’t start off a 5v reset board type argument. Although I love a bit of chaos😈
I did a test on my FT with an ledocd board and an Afterglow board and thought the Afterglow effect looked a bit better out of the box and sold the ocd.
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