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Last Chance - Batman 66


Site Supporter
Apr 26, 2016
Had the pleasure of having this machine in my house... Pre and post Pinfest as @steve brum let use it on the Pinball Heaven stand! So thanks to him

I first got to play this machine at EAG 2017 and I have to say its one of those machine that was released early with terrible code... and lets be honest a reworked Dark Knight... So never got the hype or sales...

However Lyman has worked his magic and damn this game is awesome now... and its still getting better adding more modes and more multi balls...

If you didn't know its moving into its last production run this month... So anyone on fence of wanting one don't miss you chance as I don't see this leaving peoples collection :( Even considering buying one myself as I don't see one coming to Tilt with all the releases that are coming

And with Superman 78 on the cards... Them two lined up together would be epic!
In a recent podcast Gomez said neither he or Lyman had got one of their own yet, because they keep getting pushed out of the production runs by customers wanting to buy them. Agree that it is a really good game now. Surprised that the runs might be ending though!
I think the license might be close to running out - been two years this month since they announced it... it does seem nuts that Lyman is still working on the code to a game that will have a limited sales future.


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But as an owner of B66 I’m glad he is working on it and he still has a lot to add to it. B66 is one of sterns best no doubt about it.

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Probably still on it as it was crack for a year, and it is the anniversary game
I think the license might be close to running out - been two years this month since they announced it... it does seem nuts that Lyman is still working on the code to a game that will have a limited sales future.


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But as an owner of B66 I’m glad he is working on it and he still has a lot to add to it. B66 is one of sterns best no doubt about it.

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I would actually get this as a NIB - won’t happen but I really... REALLY enjoyed this game. Highlights for me of the show were this and Iron Maiden, hopefully one day I’ll own one of each, but it won’t be before the production run ends. Agreed jump on it if you can afford to.
Quite like the pin to play but not a huge fan of the theme. /incites baying crowd
Bat Slaps coming Spadges way lol

The only batman pin I can't stand is that clunker Batman Forever .
I would imagine they'll be running them until the end of the year, since the first ones were delivered right in the last couple of days of 2016, unless they overshot a license date and the licensor was inflexible.

Such a shame they pushed it out long before the code was even passable, and at such high price.

Theme and the code once good could have made it one of their best sellers ever.
I can't believe they'd be letting Lyman spend so much time on this if they were really going to stop production for good. If the license is expiring I expect it is easy to renew.

If I had the cash I'd really struggle to choose between a BM66 and and IM.
I doubt we will see a game with as much real video,or as good a theme integration ever again
I simply can’t get past the theme on batman. Even worse than WOZ for me.

Up there with the goonies and the Flash Gordon film for annoyingly ****
OMG John I can’t believe you’ve no love for films which left such an indelible mark on me growing up. I can’t help but smile thinking of the ‘truffle shuffle’ or ‘GORDON’S ALIVE’ ? they don’t make them like they used to :thumbs:;)
OMG John I can’t believe you’ve no love for films which left such an indelible mark on me growing up. I can’t help but smile thinking of the ‘truffle shuffle’ or ‘GORDON’S ALIVE’ ? they don’t make them like they used to :thumbs:;)
WTF is a truffle shuffle? Sounds like an extreme sexual preference.

Growing up there was no cinema near me and I only had limited access to a tv. Until the late 1990s my parents had a Betamax video so hiring films didn’t really happen

Never seen all of the 2nd and 3rd Star Wars movies. I know the plots through osmosis

Never made it past the first 30 mins of the 2nd Indiana Jones movie thanks to the really annoying Chinese comedy kid. Tried about 10 times but it’s just really, really bad.

Never seen labyrinth. Never seen the karate kid.

Oh and only got half way through the big labowski before giving up.

Think I saw the blues brothers once

Anything on ITV was viewed by my parents as rubbish. So I never saw an episode of TISWAS and only saw the muppets when I was in my 20s

Read a lot of books though ;)
OMG John I can’t believe you’ve no love for films which left such an indelible mark on me growing up. I can’t help but smile thinking of the ‘truffle shuffle’ or ‘GORDON’S ALIVE’ [emoji4] they don’t make them like they used to :thumbs:;)
Count me in the 'zero interest in anything Batman' camp too [emoji16]

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Yup. Another one I’ve never seen

Ironically my house is now a dumping ground of pop culture. My daughter could tell you the plot of every episode of Victorious and Sam and Cat. Meanwhile my sister still lives in a house with no tv and no WiFi/broadband. Her kids are on full academic scholarships at top schools. Mine... not so much ?
I think John if you missed them first time around you missed the boat. I was 11 when I saw temple of doom and I don’t think I’ll of watched it from the same angle. I thought Short round was great, he was even better when he turned up in goonies the year after. If you want to see the truffle shuffle just search on YouTube. I’m not even going there on the Star Wars movies :eek::thumbs:
I always love it when people say temple of room is too dark . It's the only one without Nazis!
A Goonies themed pinball machine would be incredible. The playfield could have The Inferno (One Eyed Willy's pirate ship), The Fatellis hideout, the waterslides as ramps, the possibility are endless.
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