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Large Schematics Printing (EM games and other stuff)


Site Supporter
10 Years
Nov 19, 2011
Pudsey UK
I just bought myself a new A0 printer for printing out schematics and such like. I'm sick of sticking endless bits of A4 paper together for my designs. (It will actually print all sorts of things, but line drawings and schematics is what i'm mainly using it for)

So if anyone needs an EM schematic printing out where you can have it all on one nice sheet get in touch. Also thinking about some early bally solid state schematic prints with multiple layouts next to each other and also the dreaded wiring colour key visible easily!! Interestingly enough an A0 roll can get 2 em schematics next to each other and just let the print roll run.

Well, this isn't bad for a first schematic test print. Still a few things to tweak but so much better than A4 and tape!! and 2 next to each other could be great for EM fans.

Having the 3 bally solid state wiring diagrams next to each other could be good to.

Large format bally schematics would be really nice Jim. especially for old geysers like me with ageing eyesight.
Thanks Alan :thumbs: If you have some suggestions on what you'd like to see next to each other for early solid state bally games let me know. Could make all our lives alot easier as we get older :)
Ive been looking at a new printer recently. Mostly to get something bigger than a4. You can pick up something for a way more sensible price these days. I even almost bought one that was.. er.. a something. upto 24" wide anyway.
But i bottled because of the space it needs.
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