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Kick off the weekend with Koi and the Stetta : )

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
If I ever need a quick pinball mood enhancer I just watch these awesome vids. Must of watched them a hunfred times and always puts a smile on my face
Total characters :cool: .....makes me want to play pinball , drink beer , do a silly dance and its only 10.30 am. BOOM !

Have a great weekend y'all

Best thing is I don't think they've had any beer and they're still throwing some great shapes - awesome!
teachp8' date=' post: 1689303 said:
Best thing is I don't think they've had any beer and they're still throwing some great shapes - awesome!

Koi Morris is one of the nicest people you could ever meet - we got to hang out with him at the UK Pin show / Euro Championships when he came over in 2009. Total character, soooooo into his pinball, ....and he is hilarious. While he was here he made an attempt on breaking the record for riding every station in one day on the London Undergound !!?!! He loves subways. We love Koi
GrizZ' date=' post: 1689307 said:
While he was here he made an attempt on breaking the record for riding every station in one day on the London Undergound !!?!! He loves subways. We love Koi

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