No room in Matt Adams Arcade , just put it outside ..... how the South Coast Crew roll
Good work soldiers, top evening @Will @Matt Adams @Alpha1 @Rav
Good work soldiers, top evening @Will @Matt Adams @Alpha1 @Rav
Still maxed out though ;-) A lesson and warning for all those thinking a games room will solve all yr space issues [emoji2] [emoji2]Never cease to be amazed by Matt's simply superb games room, it's what we all need to strive for !
Whoah there!! Just back it up a minute. John, are you moving just after you built your pin shack???
Now in the motions of it.... yes. If all goes through, couple of months to complete. Long story as many here are aware..... but essentially escaping from tw*t neighbours for a normal life. Bricks and mortar can be built again.