As I've got the week off work between Christmas and New Year I thought I'll shop out JD and add a few bits and pieces I've ordered over the last week or so. For those who may be interested I'll chuck some pics up as I go. I'd be interested in peoples opinions and tips for shopping as this will be the 1st pin I've had a proper go at
Thanks to the generosity of The Modfather I've already got red and blue flashers installed in the pursuit lights and green lamps (with a blue flasher) in the Deadworld. Also ordered and hopefully arriving soonish are:
I'm also going to install the drop target decals that I knocked up in Photoshop
I started stripping down the front half of the pf last night so here's a few pics of the story so far.
How it looks before I start:
This is how I'm making sure I know how to put things back together (along with a load of pics of the pin itself). The parts and the sheet of paper then go into a food bag.
And this is where I've got to so far.....
I'm really pleased as it's a lot cleaner than I expected
More to follow next week.
Thanks to the generosity of The Modfather I've already got red and blue flashers installed in the pursuit lights and green lamps (with a blue flasher) in the Deadworld. Also ordered and hopefully arriving soonish are:
- Fluorescent green Deadworld mod kit
- Magnetic Jam Trough Protector
- New slingshot plastics and protectors
- Playfield and shooter lane light mods (courtesy of Mr Dreads)
- Replacement drop target (one of the 5 bank is cracked)
- New rubbers and balls
I'm also going to install the drop target decals that I knocked up in Photoshop
How it looks before I start:
This is how I'm making sure I know how to put things back together (along with a load of pics of the pin itself). The parts and the sheet of paper then go into a food bag.
And this is where I've got to so far.....
I'm really pleased as it's a lot cleaner than I expected