Sorry, I meant to answer your previous query, Paddy. All the wheel units I recall, from Cyclone onwards, only moved clockwise.
I'm not sure how much detail you'd like about them, but I see wheel units as somewhat similar to fruit machine reels (the 90's ones I used to know, anyway). Two solenoid drives are assigned to control the separate windings of a stepper motor, so that pulsing the drives in sequence turns the motor and the disc attached a precise amount for each 'step'. It keeps track of where the disc is from the optic, which shows which half of the 360 degree rotation it's in - a fruit m/c optic only shows at one particular point. Any particular game is programmed with the relation between what's attached to the disc (cards for Jokerz, a clock hour-hand for Diner, that large spider for Scared Stiff, etc) and the steps needed to display in a particular alignment, f'r instance, a Royal Flush in the backglass window. Perhaps R/Flush is '## steps past optic dark (or light)'.
As with fruities, the wheel unit needs to be checked whenever the game boots up, so it turns as a check once the Cpu has started.
While it may not be much help now, back then wheel units seemed pretty reliable. I only recall one failing, on a Bad Cats. Predictable, maybe, as it was the first mounted on the playfield. One of the transistors interfacing the solenoid drives on the wheel circuit board had fractured a lead.