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May 6, 2022
Tunbridge Wells
Putting up my JJP POTC LE . Game is in absolutely fantastic condition, cabinet and playfield superb, genuine low plays. Always happy to have a chat if anyone has any questions. £15,750.
Would consider trade + cash on Jaws LE / prem or MM Remake


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wow after all that effort to get it... your done and dusted in 9 months lol :)
I know from our board game collection that we ended up with a bunch of stuff that was super-collectable due to rarity... and only rarely was it worth it for the gameplay :)

Even now, I see titles we owned on lists of 'grail games' now worth £100s and there's always a really good reason we got rid of them :)

That said, collecting is its own game and part of the joy is in the seeking. I understand JJP POTC is a great pin, popular theme, totally packed. GLWS :D
Echo earlier comment. Christian is a really nice guy to deal with. POTC is an absolutely top tier game (but 99% of you know that already!) and Christian's machine is in really great shape. I will argue til I'm blue in the face that the cannon shot from the right hand ship to sink the other ship at the left is the best shot ever implemented in a pin. This game is one of the best JJP has ever made! GLWS!
Echo earlier comment. Christian is a really nice guy to deal with. POTC is an absolutely top tier game (but 99% of you know that already!) and Christian's machine is in really great shape. I will argue til I'm blue in the face that the cannon shot from the right hand ship to sink the other ship at the left is the best shot ever implemented in a pin. This game is one of the best JJP has ever made! GLWS!
It’s not a top tier game. It’s crap. Sorry but people need to know the truth. It’s too mball heavy. The game has scant movie assets. Its rarity is true but its desirability is a true anomaly. There I said it. I don’t even have a flame proof jacket - fire away. Only prev or current owners can reply.
It’s not a top tier game. It’s crap. Sorry but people need to know the truth. It’s too mball heavy. The game has scant movie assets. Its rarity is true but its desirability is a true anomaly. There I said it. I don’t even have a flame proof jacket - fire away. Only prev or current owners can reply.

I’ve owned the game from NIB and have been offered a lot of cash for it on multiple occasions. There’s a reason I still have it and it’s not because it’s rare - I sold Rick & Morty with zero regrets.
It’s not a top tier game. It’s crap. Sorry but people need to know the truth. It’s too mball heavy. The game has scant movie assets. Its rarity is true but its desirability is a true anomaly. There I said it. I don’t even have a flame proof jacket - fire away. Only prev or current owners can reply.
Check my signature! I have owned it. I stand by my comment 100%.
I have played the game twice so can't really comment. However, there is something very grand and opulent about it, you definitely get the impression with this title and Wizard of Oz that no expense was spared in making the game.

A bit like Bond 60th, it's a game that very few will get to truly learn and master over time in quiet surroundings, but it's a mega theme and as Jason said, that cannon thing that fires from the upper boat is an incredible pinball moment and the rocking upper playfield is one of the great mechs.

I'm quite certain there are plenty who would love this game but it's just too damn expensive for most.

I would wish you luck with the sale but I doubt you'll need it.
Usual negative comments can’t be refrianed sadly.

Seen and played this game. Trustworthy and honest owner.

I’d like to own it too if I had the money to enjoy playing it more.

It’s not a top tier game. It’s crap. Sorry but people need to know the truth. It’s too mball heavy. The game has scant movie assets. Its rarity is true but its desirability is a true anomaly. There I said it. I don’t even have a flame proof jacket - fire away. Only prev or current owners can reply.
What a load of twoddle , no where near as multiball heavy as some other JJP titles.
POTC is what pinball should be all about, a magical world under glass. Fantastic creative mechanisms.
It’s not a top tier game. It’s crap. Sorry but people need to know the truth. It’s too mball heavy. The game has scant movie assets. Its rarity is true but its desirability is a true anomaly. There I said it. I don’t even have a flame proof jacket - fire away. Only prev or current owners can reply.

I had two the prototype and the production machine!

One of the most fun pinballs ever built! It has a great rule set full of modes and yeah its multi ball heavy but thats part of the fun trying to stack them all.

Put the wine bottle down Alan
I've never played it, but would love to form an opinion if anyone has one in the North East?

I've spoken to Alan about POTC and his opinion is valid. He's lived with it and it definitely wasn't a game he thought was worth the hype or cost. Which is fair.

I have WOZ and I love it. It's the game I turn on most.

Horses for courses...
Here we go again. What is it with peoples animosity when one of these comes up for sale? Is it because its twice the original NIB price?
You wouldn't think twice about a TAF at 3x the MIB price.

Have a bit of decorum, its someone's FS thread.
TAF was £3K back in 1992… which equates to around £8K in today’s money… just sayin. 😂
Here we go again. What is it with peoples animosity when one of these comes up for sale? Is it because its twice the original NIB price?
You wouldn't think twice about a TAF at 3x the MIB price.

Have a bit of decorum, its someone's FS thread.

Not everyone rates TAF, it is most overrated machine of all time in some peoples eyes. Just keep spamming the chair, that's it. You may as well buy a TV for entertainment tbh.
Here we go again. What is it with peoples animosity when one of these comes up for sale? Is it because its twice the original NIB price?
You wouldn't think twice about a TAF at 3x the MIB price.

Have a bit of decorum, its someone's FS thread.
I think your point went over a couple of heads Phil but your spot on mate, if it’s a certain title (even a **** one TAF, BBB etc) people won’t bat an eye lid, other titles people feel the need to pile on.


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