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I've lost my mojo


Sep 22, 2016
West Dorset
Not sure why but I've kinda lost my pinballing mojo. I've got a bad back which makes playing a bit more of a chore and moving games impossible. I've had Deadpool a good few months now and really love the game but not really inclined to play it. Has this happened to you and you've had a resurgence of love for the Pinball? Maybe I should swap out DP for something to see if it stimulates a bit of excitement? Advice. Musings. Abuse. All encouraged.

Looked down the back of the sofa?

We all go through this in ALL hobbies. Just spend some time apart from it, oh and you need more than 1 machine!
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Im my games room Ive got a gaming pc, video arcade machines, and pinball machines. Every few months I lose my Mojo for one or two of the things, but love the other. Once I've hit that hard for a few months I lose my mojo for that, and my love for one of the others comes back. Its normal to lose some enthusiasm for something if you are constantly doing it, so having other interests help to keep things fresh
Sell DP, see if you miss it. Then if something nice comes up for sale here and tickles your fancy you'll be ready to grab it.

With only 1-2 pins at home I find that most games last a few months at best (playing a few games every day).
I’m back into fruit machine again. Pinballs are sadly neglected… but as Mr Davey D says, it’ll come back around. Reminds me I need a Mame cab…
I go through phases - sometimes I'll play a lot, other times I won't switch a single machine on for a week or two. I've had machines around since I was 18 and I'm pushing 35 now so I guess it's to be expected. Tend to play less in the summer months and more in the winter. The mojo always ends up coming back, particularly after a new game arrives.
All last year and even the start of this one I was drifting away from pinball. Went months barely glancing at them. Its happened before - been in this game 20 years, you can't keep up the intensity all the time :D

I'm feeling the love again - I sold a few games over the last year and got some fresh blood in. That def helped. Stepped away from forums a bit too. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in the psycho dramas and rat race of hobbies which defeats the point of them.
Being able to have friends round to enjoy them again - that has been a BIG thing . Covid has been awful for that. Seeing other people enjoying them and playing is a great thing. My neighbour has recently fallen in love with my pins and in a way that has reinvigorated me ... get all excited again showing him the games, explaining stuff.
Like everyone says, this will happen. If you ever want to take a machine on loan Andy you are more than welcome and I can babysit your DP for you.

Thanks Glen that's very kind of you mate, I may well take you up on the offer in coming months
Nah man, it happens to everyone even if they don't admit it. For me, I just get busy. I end up starting a project or helping out a friend or the kids and then my focus drifts from pinball for weeks, sometimes months. I enjoy playing, but for me the pin(s) are in my basement and the sound travels up through the house. The noise can wake up the kids and I don't want to interrupt their sleep. That's just another reason why I tend to step away from it on occassion.

I always come back to pinball, but during the summer I tend to take a break from it unintentionally. I get outside and just enjoy the sunshine.
I know what you mean @huggers

I’ve lost my pin mojo too and in fact have no games for the first time in about 18 years.

I don’t have many friends locally now to play regularly with and those I do I haven’t seen due to covid. For me pinball is purely social hobby. I don’t really get any enjoyment playing on my own.

I still have a few arcades but am getting most pleasure from picking up my guitar again and messing around with fancy pedals.

It’s all cyclical like a few have said, I’m sure I’ll be energised about pinball again soon.
Been here far too many times in the past 30 odd years of pinball collecting.
But like many have said above just leave them alone and spend some time on other hobbies and preferably outdoor ones in this weather and leave the pins till the winter months unless of course you ski like I do.

It’s all about keeping a healthy balance of hobbies and if like me you need a new direction throw a curveball with a new pastime.

I recently took up EUCing and In the past 3 month alone I’ve done almost 1000 fun filled miles and never looked back (usually because I fall off!)

I spread my time now between Skiing, laser projects, EUC’s and Pinball. Next year I may drop or add another to my list but one things for sure Pins will always be on there.
Defo not just you Huggers. Happens to me all the time. Fits and starts. My games have been tombstoned for over two years now. It’s feels like yesterday I played them. Gagging to get them set up again. Thankfully I get round to @Dave Playman on a regular basis to get my fix.
Yeah, not just you at all mate. I seem to go through ‘micro-slumps’ where I don’t want play or even see the pinball machines, but it passes.

I don’t play anywhere near as much as I should and I sometimes feel guilty about that given the cost of the machines. A break normally helps though.

As everyone has said, stick a cover or blanket over DP for a couple of weeks and forget about Pinball for a bit.
I am not at all surprised, spending all your time indoors staring into the eyes of Doctor Eggman, think it’s fair to say we would all lose our mojo!?......😉🤣
On a more serious note, here’s a few suggestions. Problem is it’s early doors for meeting up and going out Currently, sure your mojo will return once you have more opportunity to meet with fellow pinball players and benefit from some infectious enthusiasm. Alternatively there is a comp. arranged for Sunday at Special when lit. Come along, enjoy a excellent variety of games and chat with fellow believers. That should help. One thing I do know your mojo will return. I lost mine between 1993 and 2005 roughly....it returned with a vengeance.
Take care Andy. All the best. Keef........😎
I am not at all surprised, spending all your time indoors staring into the eyes of Doctor Eggman, think it’s fair to say we would all lose our mojo!?......😉🤣
On a more serious note, here’s a few suggestions. Problem is it’s early doors for meeting up and going out Currently, sure your mojo will return once you have more opportunity to meet with fellow pinball players and benefit from some infectious enthusiasm. Alternatively there is a comp. arranged for Sunday at Special when lit. Come along, enjoy a excellent variety of games and chat with fellow believers. That should help. One thing I do know your mojo will return. I lost mine between 1993 and 2005 roughly....it returned with a vengeance.
Take care Andy. All the best. Keef........😎

Lol @ Doctor Eggman. Cheers Keith!
I’ve got games I haven’t turned on for over a year. 😢

missing the social side and comps. Barely played anything since we got the dog in feb. Can’t play during the day as Anna’s working in the kitchen. Can’t play late in the evening due to the next door neighbours. Hopefully will start playing about in them over the summer.

only takes a couple of good games though to get the mojo back.
My pinball mojo is definitely more off than on. Not that I don't love them, more that I don't have the time to play them. And I do get a lot of enjoyment just knowing that these arcade and pinball machines are there somewhere in the house if the mood ever does take me.
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