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It's not soddin rocket science


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 30, 2011
What the hell is the matter with some of these morons on ebay who post pics with half of them showing a side view or upside down. How soddin hard can it be to post them the right way up. It's not rocket science is it. If i can do it and i didn't grow up with computers then most people younger than me should be able to do it or is it the "i can't be ****d" scenario.
Monthly whinge over.
I agree with all of the above but if someone puts a picture upside down or on its side and it draws your attention to it, you'll more likely to look at it.

It even gets people talking about it, so are they just stupid or very clever?
When i see dodgy pictures, i assume its a dodgy machine. A good example is the 4K IJ on ebay right now. Looks very nice, but from the pics its looks like they are selective shots not showing some critical areas. Maybe the seller couldn't be ar*ed? Maybe its damaged somewhere? Who knows cuz the pics don't show the full condition of the machine.
I feel that once again I have to restate the story from my friend at sothebys

Sothebys gets "walk ins", folk who turn up at the front door with a carrier bag and believe the contents of said carrier bag has enormous worth. The relevant department is then called downstairs to assess the item

My friend told me, and she is not a silver spoon, born to lead type. She went to a comprehensive in liverpool and does not have a snobbish predisposition, she says that you could look at the presentation of the person, how they describe the item and know with a high degree of certainty whether that carrier bag was likely to contain anything of value

If folk cannot take pictures, it is improbable that they had the wisdom to buy and maintain a good game. Of course, they might have.

And of course, I might be Heidi Klum
When i see dodgy pictures, i assume its a dodgy machine. A good example is the 4K IJ on ebay right now. Looks very nice, but from the pics its looks like they are selective shots not showing some critical areas. Maybe the seller couldn't be ar*ed? Maybe its damaged somewhere? Who knows cuz the pics don't show the full condition of the machine.

The ebay seller your talking about there is a member of this forum, and must know what he's doing as he's just sold one machine and has another 3 up for sale including IJ just now and has sold a number of pins this way.

I'm sure he's got nothing to hide as he gives his full name and telephone number in his adverts.

By the way I only know of this person, I don't know him personally, but if he was selling a pin I wanted I'd buy from him.
This is not just the case with pins, its EVERYTHING on fleabay. For example around December this year I'm looking to change my car and I have a particular make/model in mind. I found the ideal car, reasonably priced, good condition, even the colour I wanted. What were there photos of?
  • 1 really badly framed image of the front of the car, making it hard to see.
  • 1 Image of a wheel.
  • A number of images of the interior, all close up on gauges or for some reason the centre console.
  • A really bad image of the interior, completely whitewashed by glaring sun.
So at that point I completely passed. He also had the gall to boast 'I'm selling it at x price, but it would easily be worth [more than double] if you just had it re-sprayed as the shine from the paint job has faded over the years!"

Well if that's the case I better jump on this right away and spray it up! I'd make a bundle! :rolleyes:
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The ebay seller your talking about there is a member of this forum, and must know what he's doing as he's just sold one machine and has another 3 up for sale including IJ just now and has sold a number of pins this way.

I'm sure he's got nothing to hide as he gives his full name and telephone number in his adverts.

By the way I only know of this person, I don't know him personally, but if he was selling a pin I wanted I'd buy from him.

I know who he is. You missed my point entirely.
Sometimes when you upload pictures from your phone to eBay (and Facebook and plenty of other sites) the photo can get rotated 90 degrees from its original formatting. Its pretty random. But that's no excuse for some of the blurry pixelated pics a lot of sellers upload to eBay.
There is also the problem that when you have uploaded a photo, from say a phone, when you view it on the phone it is the correct orientation but when viewed on a computer or tablet etc it is rotated.
It is down to the auto rotation of images on phones and tablets etc. Each device has auto rotate info stored into the exif data on the image. the image is stored in the orientation that the photo was taken but with the rotation required to view it properly stored alongside the image. When you open the picture in an application it should read the exif data and rotate the image for viewing correctly on the screen. All ok so far...

Ebay (facebook etc) seem to strip the exif data from uploaded images. It saves space and is more secure as exif also stores the gps location that the picture was taken etc (if enabled on camera/phone) but also can screw up the image rotation etc.

Hopefully that make sense...
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