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Is Ripley's a flash flipper game?


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10 Years
Mar 23, 2014
So I've just got this game and I remember playing it at John's meet last year and was on it for what felt like hours!

Played last night, pitched the table to 6.5 degrees, which by the way the level bubble is now way out, I thought these things were supposed to be 6.5 degrees, I find this on most tables, or is my digital level out?

Anyway its a great game but just plays too long I will move the out-lane posts up tonight, but just thought I'd ask here to see if folks think putting lighting flippers on it would be a good idea or has anyone done this?

i love best the games that last the longest time, so personally i would never put lightning flippers on anything intentionally. i used to have a BSD, a wonderful game that i miss, and that had those flippers on it. i didn't change them as they are what was original, but i didn't like them as i'm simply not a good enough player, and i need all the help i can get - i set the outlanes to halfway at most, or even to less; i set them as steep as they will go as this makes them play fast which i like, and i use that as justification for closing up those outlanes.

up to you of course, but why make a game harder on purpose by making the flippers smaller? i suggest that if your games last too long, you could play with all EBs turned off and outlanes wide open, with outlane post rubber removed. or just stop playing so well!
mine was n.i.b and i would deffo say it's not a long playing game,and very good players have played it,i have too mine drains down rh side,quite a lot
Oh my God, the games on mine lasted for ever. I like the machine but it made LOTR feel like F14. 45 mins+ wasn't unusual and my bloody wrists would kill me. Considering I'm a crap player I assumed that maybe I hadn't cranked the back up quite enough
Mine plays about the time per game same as the other Sterns of the era and it's in a club with several of them, though LOTR plays longest by far. A lot could depend on whether the ball goes towards the RH outlane from the top loop, which might depend on the angle and the newness of the rubber there. Ball will drain more if you shoot for stuff that has a high risk of rebound drain, but all games are like that.
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