How many of the Pinballinfo community is also a member of either;
Google Pinball Forum- UK or other
UK VAC (and posts in Pinball section)
I would wager that Pinside has the biggest community, and that members on Pinside are also members of groups in their own country etc..( like Pinballinfo for UK)
The reason for this thread is to see if figures such as Owners/Wishlist should be used as a good indication for how in demand / good a game is..
Google Pinball Forum- UK or other
UK VAC (and posts in Pinball section)
I would wager that Pinside has the biggest community, and that members on Pinside are also members of groups in their own country etc..( like Pinballinfo for UK)
The reason for this thread is to see if figures such as Owners/Wishlist should be used as a good indication for how in demand / good a game is..