Well it was excellent - a different league to the Daventry show imo. Loved the fact that all the pins were available, none annoyingly hidden away for competitions only. And a great selection of new titles plus all the video game stuff too.
Had a go on WOZ which looks the absolute nuts, really special, but I didn't find it a game that immediately kept me interested - maybe needs more time than a couple of games. Metallica on the other hand, another theme that doesn't really appeal to me personally, I really instantly enjoyed - the artwork, toys and sound was just a great total package...that's on my want list now. Avengers was OK I guess, I like the theme but a bit meh about the game - certainly wouldn't swap the Spiderman for it. And had a go on Simpsons Pinball Party and really enjoyed that too - another for the want list. Might be time to move my Spiderman on to make some game room space